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Of course, this is a special scenario because he was in US custody, specifically he was property of the California DoC.



That brings me to my next point. Prisoners are "Property of the DoC" Then it should be ok to put those son of a bitches to work. Less ass raping and random beatings cause they are tired from working all day. Prisoners have the choice either they work or die.

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I'd prefer that, yes. But I don't think that's going to win me any friends in this argument.


If a human being who happens to be a US citizen is wronged due to someone's negligence, and our legal system determines that they are rightfully owed money, I don't think that finding should change if that human being happens not to be a US citizen and/or is here legally or illegally. They're still a human being and we should treat them as such.


Of course, this is a special scenario because he was in US custody, specifically he was property of the California DoC. How can you say they're not legally on the hook for his well being? He'd get the same legal status as any other inmate there. They can't very well drop a truck on him and then throw their hands in the air and say "well, he was here illegally."



BUT would you agree if california picked him up and just dropped him off back into mexico if he committed a crime here??? So now after this all happens what should we do??? give him the millions let him finish his sentance and send him back to mexico with a first class ticket and more money than he knows what to do with???? And now him having the mental state of a four year old who is goiing to watch over his money if we can even give it to him????


There are just a lot of unanswered questions to this story and the state of cali needs better people backing them up and they would not ahve had to pay this guy a dime but should ahve settled to say well you can go HOME now and not serve the rest of your prison sentance as he will be feeling the justice for the rest of his life...

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That brings me to my next point. Prisoners are "Property of the DoC" Then it should be ok to put those son of a bitches to work. Less ass raping and random beatings cause they are tired from working all day. Prisoners have the choice either they work or die.


We can agree on that. Also helps with rehabilitation. I don't understand this "You were bad, no go sit and watch TV all day" sensibility. Prison should either be productive or boring. Just not full of senseless corporal punishment.

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BUT would you agree if california picked him up and just dropped him off back into mexico if he committed a crime here??? So now after this all happens what should we do??? give him the millions let him finish his sentance and send him back to mexico with a first class ticket and more money than he knows what to do with???? And now him having the mental state of a four year old who is goiing to watch over his money if we can even give it to him????


There are just a lot of unanswered questions to this story and the state of cali needs better people backing them up and they would not ahve had to pay this guy a dime but should ahve settled to say well you can go HOME now and not serve the rest of your prison sentance as he will be feeling the justice for the rest of his life...


Personally I'd rather he get sentenced here. If he was tried in a Mexican court, and if the only evidence against him was the testimony of a 6 year old, then we'd have to send the 6 year old to Mexico to testify. And he'd be tried by Mexican jurors. Bottom line is that he'd probably get off scott free in Mexico. I'm glad they tried him in CA and sentenced him there, because it's way better than the alternative.


The prison shouldn't ever let 7 inmates surround another inmate and give him a beating. What kind of operation are they running that gives prison inmates that kind of leeway to be out and about unsupervised? It's ridiculous. Lock them up goddammit, that's what the cells are there for.


The guy probably only had an 18 month sentence anyway, so by the time they let him out of the hospital he would have been free. That's just a WAG on my part, but I doubt a first-time battery offense carries a whole lot of jail time. It does raise a lot of questions though -- that one picture showed him with his mom? Or some kind of family member. I'm guessing his family will get the money, just as they would if he had died. Still, I'd rather be poor and not brain damaged than a retarded millionaire.

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Personally I'd rather he get sentenced here. If he was tried in a Mexican court, and if the only evidence against him was the testimony of a 6 year old, then we'd have to send the 6 year old to Mexico to testify. And he'd be tried by Mexican jurors. Bottom line is that he'd probably get off scott free in Mexico. I'm glad they tried him in CA and sentenced him there, because it's way better than the alternative.


The prison shouldn't ever let 7 inmates surround another inmate and give him a beating. What kind of operation are they running that gives prison inmates that kind of leeway to be out and about unsupervised? It's ridiculous. Lock them up goddammit, that's what the cells are there for.


The guy probably only had an 18 month sentence anyway, so by the time they let him out of the hospital he would have been free. That's just a WAG on my part, but I doubt a first-time battery offense carries a whole lot of jail time. It does raise a lot of questions though -- that one picture showed him with his mom? Or some kind of family member. I'm guessing his family will get the money, just as they would if he had died. Still, I'd rather be poor and not brain damaged than a retarded millionaire.


Have you seen how many people are in prison??? There is no way in hell they can control that many people if a group decides they want to do something... So you are also saying that we should lock up someone for 24 hours a day for a battery charge and they should not be able to go outside at all??? That does not seem very fair now does it??? If that were the case then why have more than I don't know 5 guards work at a prison.. What would they need to guard everyone is locked up they just would need to walk around hand out fresh clothes and food. Seems pretty easy to me if that were the case...


Look at any of the highest watched facilities and I am sure there are videos where on the yard a group has attacked a individual and until it happens the guards can not do anything about it... The same legal system that put them in the jail says they get the right to some freedom within the prison walls also

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Have you seen how many people are in prison??? There is no way in hell they can control that many people if a group decides they want to do something... So you are also saying that we should lock up someone for 24 hours a day for a battery charge and they should not be able to go outside at all??? That does not seem very fair now does it??? If that were the case then why have more than I don't know 5 guards work at a prison.. What would they need to guard everyone is locked up they just would need to walk around hand out fresh clothes and food. Seems pretty easy to me if that were the case...


Look at any of the highest watched facilities and I am sure there are videos where on the yard a group has attacked a individual and until it happens the guards can not do anything about it... The same legal system that put them in the jail says they get the right to some freedom within the prison walls also


Yeah, it's messed up. We have all these draconian laws and "prison" is the answer to everything, then our prisons get overcrowded to the point where we can't control them. And you're absolutely right about the conflicting interests -- we require prisons to let inmates socialize, then slap them with 4 million dollar settlements when things get out of hand. I certainly would never volunteer to be a warden. I'm sure it's not unlike soldiers who are trained to kill and then ordered not to.


I'm not saying that all inmates need to be locked up 24 hours a day, but if you're going to let them out, you've got to have some way of preventing these sorts of beatings. And if you can't, don't let them out. The articles I linked to talked about sequestering "high risk" inmates, such as child molesters. I think that's a reasonable course of action, and one that the Orange County prison system wasn't taking. Perhaps they'll start.

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Yeah, it's messed up. We have all these draconian laws and "prison" is the answer to everything, then our prisons get overcrowded to the point where we can't control them. And you're absolutely right about the conflicting interests -- we require prisons to let inmates socialize, then slap them with 4 million dollar settlements when things get out of hand. I certainly would never volunteer to be a warden. I'm sure it's not unlike soldiers who are trained to kill and then ordered not to.


I'm not saying that all inmates need to be locked up 24 hours a day, but if you're going to let them out, you've got to have some way of preventing these sorts of beatings. And if you can't, don't let them out. The articles I linked to talked about sequestering "high risk" inmates, such as child molesters. I think that's a reasonable course of action, and one that the Orange County prison system wasn't taking. Perhaps they'll start.


Side whatever to the thread I still say best and most tv show watched would be if we gave all the people on death row out them in a giant room and tossed in a few baseball bats... fight til the death and winner gets to walk free.... I know that that person will have been on death row for a erason and we would be letting a felon back out etc etc etc but tell me people would not pay to watch that and guess what if you did this once a year there would be no more death row and there would be a reason to call it death row not sit and serve a 800 year sentance for killing 50 plus people row :)


deathrow inmates + room + baseball bat= win for everyone

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