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So. I was mowing the yard today and in our backyard there is a gas pipe sticking up a little. I hit it with the mower and it is leaking a little underground. I call my landlord and she says i have to pay to fix it. Is this true even though its her house?
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um, im guessing yes since technically you did damage the property, but i'd kinda wonder why the F there was a gas line "sticking up a little" where a mower could hit it


this is finda my wondering to.

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You want to hear about shit landlords, one of my girl room mates was taking a bath and the lever that stops the water from draining broke inside the pipe cause it's old. He billed my room mate to have his little immigrant workers come out and fix it. Fuck landlords there all shady bitches.
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You want to hear about shit landlords, one of my girl room mates was taking a bath and the lever that stops the water from draining broke inside the pipe cause it's old. He billed my room mate to have his little immigrant workers come out and fix it. Fuck landlords there all shady bitches.

Ahhh, says someone who has never been a landlord.


Trust me, many landlords barely break even renting...a lot loose money. I've lost thousands on my Reynoldsburg house. Being a landlord sucks. Just a few things:


- Renters beating the shit out of a house

- Paying late or not at all

- Leaving 2 days worth of cleanup when they leave

- Expecting the smallest thing to be fixed as soon as they call, when they were the cause

- Tell you something is wrong with the A/C because the electric bill is $300 in a month for a 1300 sq/ft house, when the reality is the house is freezing cold (as in you need a sweater/jacket) when it is 90+ degrees outside.


Renters suck.

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Call the gas company report a leak. They will shut of the gas and notify the owner he has to fix it. If he fails to fix it, he is not providing a habitable domicile. My view is the gas line should have been buried to begin with, he has failed to maintain his property. This is kind of like renting your car to your neighbor, the main bearing spins because you never changed the oil then expecting the guy to pay for the repair.
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Ahhh, says someone who has never been a landlord.


Trust me, many landlords barely break even renting...a lot loose money. I've lost thousands on my Reynoldsburg house. Being a landlord sucks. Just a few things:


- Renters beating the shit out of a house

- Paying late or not at all

- Leaving 2 days worth of cleanup when they leave

- Expecting the smallest thing to be fixed as soon as they call, when they were the cause

- Tell you something is wrong with the A/C because the electric bill is $300 in a month for a 1300 sq/ft house, when the reality is the house is freezing cold (as in you need a sweater/jacket) when it is 90+ degrees outside.


Renters suck.



are rentees allowed to fix things themselves? seems silly to call someone everytime something is wrong.

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