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Anyone on here ever had knee surgery?


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Guest tbutera2112

my mom just tore her acl completely (couldnt even see it anymore in the pics, she had to have a donor one transplanted)...and tore her mcl


6 weeks of crutches and a knee brace to let mcl heal a bit, then surgery to reconstruct acl, 2-3 weeks of an immobilizer and crutches, now a few months of therapy with a knee brace when shes out in public, around the house she has no brace....shes up and walking about 3 weeks after the surgery, but its been about 9 weeks total before she was really on her feet since they waited 6 weeks to do the surgery due to the mcl tear


she didnt break a bone though...ide imagine after the 6-8 wks it takes the bone to heal, you should be just about back on your feet for light duty...expect 6 months before youre back to 100%

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I broke mine into about 4-5 pieces, and tore my ACL and Meniscus when I was 13 thanks to my dirtbike. Being as young as I was, the ortho decided to stitch it back together in case I grew during the healing process, allowing the bones to grow. Anyways, IIRC, I went into surgery, and came out in a hard cast. I wore it for a few weeks, during which, my leg shrank due to decreased swelling and atrophy. The cast loosened up, went to the ortho for a checkup, where he cut it off, took some X-rays, and recasted it for another several weeks.


I don't remember the exact timeline since it was so many years ago. I remember I was on crutches for a couple weeks or so, and after that, I just walked on it with little trouble.


The worst part about the whole experience, was after I got the 2nd cast cut off. I somehow managed to slip on a puddle of oil about an hour after I left the Dr's office. I fell down, and bent my knee clear back until my heal touched my ass - after not having bent it for months. That hurt. A lot. Even worse than the initial break.


Anyways, expect to be out of commission for a couple months or so.

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my mom just tore her acl completely (couldnt even see it anymore in the pics, she had to have a donor one transplanted)...and tore her mcl


6 weeks of crutches and a knee brace to let mcl heal a bit, then surgery to reconstruct acl, 2-3 weeks of an immobilizer and crutches, now a few months of therapy with a knee brace when shes out in public, around the house she has no brace....shes up and walking about 3 weeks after the surgery, but its been about 9 weeks total before she was really on her feet since they waited 6 weeks to do the surgery due to the mcl tear


she didnt break a bone though...ide imagine after the 6-8 wks it takes the bone to heal, you should be just about back on your feet for light duty...expect 6 months before youre back to 100%



that was me, I tore it some time ago but I was on crutches for a while I was laid up on the couch for 2 weeks for sure

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I've had a few. Had each ACL done and the left one tore again after 5 months. That was probably my fault for trying to get back on it too soon and not let it heal as well as the first one. I did a lot of physical therapy on the first ACL reconstruction and it is still there. As far as walking, that depends on you. They told me at rehab to put weight on it as soon as I could. Of course, that doesn't mean full weight on it right away. They meant to put as much weight on it as possible while still using crutches. Expect to be awefully stiff after driving any long distance if it's right after you are able to walk.

I was cleared to do whatever I wanted after 4.5 months on the first surgery, but I was 21 and worked very hard to get back to normal. I'd suggest getting used to pain and taking rehab seriously. The most pain I notice from it now is where they took the patella graft from. Other than that, the ACL doesn't bother me. It's the multiple scopes and repairs of cartilage that gives me a nice ache once in awhile. If you are like me, you won't be able to sit still even though it doesn't feel too good to move after a couple of days. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. Unfortunately I have had 5 knee surgeries and have a little experience with them.

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I tour my acl, meniscus, and broke a bone in my knee and I am wonder what recovery will be like. Reason being I got offered a good job but I would have to go on the road the week I start walking.


there are 1000 different ways to rehab an ACL tear. i'm assuming by a 'broken bone', you mean its a tiny little flake of bone very commonly seen with an ACL tear that is completely insignificant. you should be bearing weight on the leg shortly after the surgery, but it will be 3-6 months before you do any running and 6-12 months before you do activities that involve cutting (basketball, soccer, football). good luck. the number one reason for failed ACL surgery is related to surgical technique. the number two reason involves reinjury, so follow the rehab protocol.

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I was cleared for Sport activity in April of 08, Surgery was in August of 07. SO Yep 8 months. Can't stress enough to continue Rehab even when you think you should be done. I run and cut and do other things with my knee, and the only time it hurts is 1st thing in the morning, it is stiff. After I'm up for a few minutes I'm fine.
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I hope I never have any major joint injury. UGHHHHH


don't worry, once we fully go to a socialized medical system even if you need major joint surgery, there will be a significant wait. imagine tearing your acl and being told that you're on the list for surgery-----just have to wait 2 years. knee arthritis is an absolute epidemic with all the fat people in the u.s., as well as people being active longer in life. chances are, you'll have to have a major joint operated on in your lifetime.

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I was cleared for Sport activity in April of 08, Surgery was in August of 07. SO Yep 8 months. Can't stress enough to continue Rehab even when you think you should be done. I run and cut and do other things with my knee, and the only time it hurts is 1st thing in the morning, it is stiff. After I'm up for a few minutes I'm fine.


Just quoting to emphasize the rehab portion again. It will hurt during rehab. My favorite was when they did the bending and straightening stretches at the end of the session. It didn't feel good, but it was necessary. The therapists hated me, because they didn't get the usual puss out when they pushed harder. I think those guys have a weird liking of inflicting pain on others.

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