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Worse place you've had sex in


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Guest tbutera2112
i went on vacation and stayed at my aunts house...me and my girl were staying in my cousins room and he was stuck sleeping on the couch...hes 16, and knew what was going on in his bed...after we left to go back home, he made my aunt buy him a new set of sheets haha
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i went on vacation and stayed at my aunts house...me and my girl were staying in my cousins room and he was stuck sleeping on the couch...hes 16, and knew what was going on in his bed...after we left to go back home, he made my aunt buy him a new set of sheets haha




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:confused: Umm. Ok. So, you understand the thread title is "Worse place you've had sex in", right?


(Let's not stop there.)


On top of that, you used a question mark implying, "Eh, I'll put jail. I'm not really sure if that's my worse place, but that's the one I'll go with here."


lol :D

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You'd think my living room wouldn't be the worst place, but when she's on the couch and I have one knee on the floor, one on the couch and my (separated bc she was cheating on me with multiple guys) wife walks in the front door and I don't even stop. Just keep going at it. The girl actually thought it was funny and was laughing. My wife didn't stay long.


You sir, Are my hero!

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You'd think my living room wouldn't be the worst place, but when she's on the couch and I have one knee on the floor, one on the couch and my (separated bc she was cheating on me with multiple guys) wife walks in the front door and I don't even stop. Just keep going at it. The girl actually thought it was funny and was laughing. My wife didn't stay long.


Chuck and trowa approves



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Surprised non of you fuckers are in the mile high club.


Family restroom at polaris mall, school bus and for some reason my ex in high school like to have a bang session in her brothers bed, she always got off.?.?.? I thought it was weird but wasn't turning down pussy.

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1. Tomb raider line at kings island


2. Church stairwell during easter


3. In my gfs moms mini van while her mom was in the grocery store


4. Rhetts bed - due to the dog licking my cheeks( not on my face)


5. At my old job( verizon, on the front counter, bathroom, meeting room, show floor, ect ect)


6. 4 sum in ford 3dr corolla


7. Does getting head in pauls expidition count while craig and paul were u



8. In the bathroom of a hotel room where my coach and parents were


9. Pasters couch, his daughter was amaaaaazing


10. Movie theater- behind the screen, in the janitors closet, in the emergency exit, in the seat while kicking the guy in front of me, and on the floor next to the entrance door. All while watching shrek 1. On opening night bwahahahahahaha.

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What is a 3dr Ford Corolla ?



Posted in the other thread?


In hs my dude had a toyota corolla with ford badges, and one night he got stuck in a ditch. Instead of towing from the back, I took the rodeo and hit it from the side ovr and over, so the rear pasenger door didn't open after that. So we could only use 3 drs. Limited edition lol

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Having sex in a plane is not a bad thing. Re-read the title noob.


Noob??? hmmm 2 years b4 your join date fag, LEARN IT. Now if you can understand this before you go calling me out for "misreading" the title, think with you small little head what I said. Although having sex on a plane may play a vital role in one-uping your friends, that does not constitute it as being a good, comfortable place to stick your hog in a bitch. I don't know how familiar you are with airplanes but they're not very spacious, especially their restrooms. I like to throw a lot of thrust into my humps, hell sometimes I even reach around putting a hand on my hip/ass area to give me more power all while rubbing my fingers through my hair and pointing at myself in the mirror (Patrick Bateman style), this isn't an easy thing to accomplish while in a tight space, let alone 6 miles above South Carolina with 70+ ppl on board. Unless you've had the luxury of fucking on a private jet (which I doubt it) then stfu. I'm not going to sit here and attack you dumbass statement because I have also said stupid things on the internet and I cant be the pot calling the kettle black. All I'm saying is as good and fun as it is, its just as bad and uncomfortable also. I just want you to understand other than the "bragging rights" it ain't that great.

Edited by bahd-ler
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