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Wake up this morning... JEEP STOLEN


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Yeah so i wake up this morning at 11am and walk to look out the back window to see which cars are parked in the lot as I normally do.. and to my surprise my Jeep is gone... go down stairs and the keys are on the hook. So now it has hit me.. stolen. But I call all the tow companies to double check. Yep they dont have it so I file the police report. Its gone please keep a look out for the Jeep


Plate# EYW 9630



Edited by Rhett
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SERIOUS NOTE: Do you have a plate number??? ( if it is in the pic im sorry I can not see the pic at work)


JOKING NOTE: Did you walk back in and say dude wheres my car???


I will keep an eye out for it hope you get it back asap.

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Where do you live on campus? I'm on Iuka by Woodruff and I saw two guys checking for unlocked cars a week ago around 5 in the morning. They saw me outside and didn't even stop. Called the cops on them as soon as I got inside, but it made me realize there is no such thing as a "nice" area of campus.


I'll keep an eye out for it though, hopefully someone just took a joy ride and dumped it somewhere.

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On a serious note that sucks man. U have had a sting of bad luck lately.


On a joking note hua made me crack up on shantons status an asked if they atleast left the doors :lol:


No Sons of bitches took the fucking doors too! LOL


SERIOUS NOTE: Do you have a plate number??? ( if it is in the pic im sorry I can not see the pic at work)


JOKING NOTE: Did you walk back in and say dude wheres my car???


I will keep an eye out for it hope you get it back asap.


Posted in OP but it is EYW 9630



Thats exactly hat I said lol, i looked out the Back window and that was the first thing that was in my head lol...

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Tompkins right? If so I may have a clue of the low-lifes who like to steal cars around there. They keep getting locked up and right back out. I will swing by the area and check and see what I can find out.


Yep, thanks mang, let me know 614.266.1969

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word of advise with your next car or if you get the Jeep back put full coverage on the shit. It's worth the extra money.


Possibly, if I would have full coverage on all my beater approx $110 a month since I started driving this would have equaled more than the value of my Jeep so yes. It would be worth it... if my daily is stolen every 6 years... I just could never justify that much extra monies for it.

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