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Veteran's Memorial Gun Show


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Is it any good? Prices and selection wise that is. I have been to the one at Westland a few times and haven't been overly impressed with the prices I was seeing on stuff. I wonder if this is just the same people at a different venue, as I'm assuming it is. I'm trying to decide if it's worth the drive down there this weekend.


I'd like to pick up a basic SKS for cheap, but damn I have a really hard time paying the $250+ I have seen them going for at the Westland show. I passed one up at the lame gun show they had at the Meeker gun club last year and have been regretting it since. It was in good shape and had some basic accessories for under $200.


Does anyone here have an SKS in decent shape for they'd let go for a reasonable price or know someone who does?

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overpriced junk. you might find a deal, but its rare. i was haggling with a guy a while back on a g26, i was telling him $500 even, and he lost a sale because he wanted to argue over sales tax of <$30


i went to the table next to him, guy took my offer and i left with a new gun.


i won't go to another vets/westland show

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Swapers day> Gun show

I've heard of the one in Johnstown but have never been. Is that the one you're referring to?


Looks like that one is August 28th. I'll be just back from vacation then, so maybe it will be worth a try - IF I still have any money left...:(

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Same dealers at both places...try http://www.classicarms.com for an SKS, I think they still have some Yugos in stock for $250ish. Have to do an FFL transfer, but there are plenty of guys in the county who charge only 25-30 bucks to do it. The days of the sub-$200 SKS are over, I think.
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I like surplus rifles. If you would like a Big Boomer, look into a M38 (LOVE 'EM!), M44 or a Yugo M48. They are all Bolt Guns, but they are CHEAP and fun!


Good Luck!





Edited by KillJoy
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I like surplus rifles. If you would like a Big Boomer, look into a M38 (LOVE 'EM!), M44 or a Yugo M44. They are all Bolt Guns, but they are CHEAP and fun!


Good Luck!





I like them too, but I have a few bolt guns already. I actually really like the italian push-pull type bolt guns (Carcano?), but damn those are way more money nowadays too. I know, inflation and stuff happens. I'm already becoming that guy that always talks about how bread was a nickel back in my day and I'm only 31.


I have been back and forth on adding a carbine to the collection for some time now. I actually had a Kel Tec SU-16CA on order for quite a while but eventually canceled it. I can't beleive how many $100 SKSs I passed up back in the day thinking I'd eventually get one... Maybe at 2-3 times the price. PWNED. :D

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Same dealers at both places...try http://www.classicarms.com for an SKS, I think they still have some Yugos in stock for $250ish. Have to do an FFL transfer, but there are plenty of guys in the county who charge only 25-30 bucks to do it. The days of the sub-$200 SKS are over, I think.




Yugo SKS59/66 are about the cheapest SKS type rifles available today at the retail level.


You might try Gunbroker as lately there have been some very good deals on Chinese SKS56 rifles, which are generally much nicer than the Yugos. Yugoslavian SKS59/66 rifles did not have chrome lined bores, and with the grenade launcher system, corrosion can be a problem. The Chinese SKS56 rifles all have chrome lined bores and it's not uncommon to find examples that are unfired, new in the box.


Chinese SKS56 rifles are also a better investment in the long term since they were banned from importation back in the 90's. Yugos are still being imported today.

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I like surplus rifles. If you would like a Big Boomer, look into a M38 (LOVE 'EM!), M44 or a Yugo M48. They are all Bolt Guns, but they are CHEAP and fun!


Good Luck!






Yeah, an M38 firing heavy ball ammo will give you a schooling on recoil...and muzzle flash. Any Mosin is fun...

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Yeah, an M38 firing heavy ball ammo will give you a schooling on recoil...and muzzle flash. Any Mosin is fun...



The only bad thing is the currently available Surplus Ammo is mostly all corrosive. If you do not clean the action and barrel, pitting CAN occur.


Check out www.surplusrifle.com. That site has just about ALL of the surplus guns on there. They have tips, tricks and maintenance for all of them as well...





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You shouldn't worry too much about using "corrosive" ammo.


The corrosive surplus ammo that you find today is no different from any other ammo except that it uses potassium chlorate in the primer compound as an oxidizer. When the primer compound ignites, it forms a small amount of potassium chloride salt residue in your bore or gas system. Just like sodium chloride (table salt), Potassium chloride salts are hygroscopic which means they attract and retain water. This is why the corrosion process is enhanced slightly.


The fact is, even non-corrosive ammo residue can retain moisture and cause corrosion, just not as readily.


If you properly clean your firearms after each use, keep them oiled, and store them in a dry environment (60% or lower humidity) you won't have any problems with corrosion.


Happy shooting!

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Check out www.surplusrifle.com. That site has just about ALL of the surplus guns on there. They have tips, tricks and maintenance for all of them as well...


Been there for I think 3 years now...I post as Avenge there, minus the "r" from here...never drink and forum register. :p


I'm paranoid about corrosive ammo...I've seen some Mosin barrels turned into sewer pipes LITERALLY overnight from not being cleaned. Not mine, I use Ed's Red and that gets EVERYTHING out of a barrel.

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Been there for I think 3 years now...I post as Avenge there, minus the "r" from here...never drink and forum register. :p


I'm paranoid about corrosive ammo...I've seen some Mosin barrels turned into sewer pipes LITERALLY overnight from not being cleaned. Not mine, I use Ed's Red and that gets EVERYTHING out of a barrel.



ER's is the shit! I LOVE it!!!





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