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Full-body scan pics saved


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What do you think, are they busted?


Despite claims by the TSA that electronic body scan images "cannot be stored or recorded," some federal police agencies are in fact saving tens of thousands of images, according to a report by CNET News.


The body scanners, increasingly found in airports, courthouses and other places where security is high, use an assortment of technologies. These include millimeter wave scanners (shown below) — in which the subject is harmlessly pelted with extremely high frequency radio waves which reflect a picture back to the device — and backscatter X-ray (shown above) — which measures low-powered reflective X-rays to produce clearer body shots, shots that can reveal alarmingly precise anatomical detail.


According to CNET, the U.S. Marshals Service admitted this week that it had saved thousands of images that had been recorded from a security checkpoint in a Florida courthouse.


The revelation comes at a tense time. Two weeks ago, when Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said such scanners would appear in every major airport, privacy advocates such as the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington D.C. filed a lawsuit to stop the device rollout.


The reason? Because the devices were "designed and deployed in a way that allows the images to be routinely stored and recorded," EPIC executive director Marc Rotenberg told CNET, adding that this "is exactly what the Marshals Service is doing."


As CNET's Declan McCullagh explains, it's the mystery of the devices' potential that is most unnerving: "This trickle of disclosures about the true capabilities of body scanners — and how they're being used in practice — is probably what alarms privacy advocates more than anything else," he wrote.


The TSA maintains that body scanning is "constitutional" and the CNET report notes that while the machines are built to "allow exporting of image data in real time" and provide networked "high-speed transfer of image data," the system are built with filters to "protect the identity, modesty, and privacy of the passenger."


I told you so http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82629&highlight=airport+scanner

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who knows what databases its being linked to also. SSN, DNA etc? of course they will deny that its linked to anything. but they denied they would be saved, and now we see that they are. why wouldnt they lie about databases too?


TSA and airport security is a joke anyway. its just the illusion of security to make stupid people feel safer. oh, you cant take more than 3 ounces of toothpaste or nail clippers. i feel MUCH safer now :rolleyes:


if you want to see what real security is like, take an el al flight.

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they should just approve cavity searches at airports and be done with it.... after all, they wont let you off the plane if there is a delay so you might as well be in jail.


what a joke. i dont really care about the scans but when will it stop

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Yikes what....can you tell who it is? No. So who gives a shit. I actually went through one last week. If anyone Jerks Off to my Scanner Image, I want to wish them well and enjoy. Want to link it to my SS#, then have at it. They can database my ass all they want. I have more miles under my belt in the last 18 years than most, so I'm sure all my shit has been sliced up different ways already. Yawn.....nothing exciting to see...move on folks.

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myself, i don't want to be databased and tracked. i do still have the right to deny it, and until i don't have that right I will continue to deny it. also, who knows what sort of radiation that runs on your body. they say it's safe, but Doctors use to recommend cigarette's too. i will take the wand and the pat down any day.
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myself, i don't want to be databased and tracked. i do still have the right to deny it, and until i don't have that right I will continue to deny it. also, who knows what sort of radiation that runs on your body. they say it's safe, but Doctors use to recommend cigarette's too. i will take the wand and the pat down any day.


If you don't think you're flight and personal information, cell phone locations, credit card usage, etc... isn't data-based by many already, then you're living under a rock. Like you I'm zero threat so we're not likely on the top of any list. However, your history and data is likely easily retrieved. Who cares. In the end, if the gov't wanted to, they could pretty easily find out where I was all last week, what restaurants I went to and even who served our table and what I ate. Again, who cares.


I don't worry about hiding from 'the man' He can find you regardless whether you go through a body scanner or not. All this does is associate a body scan with my data and for all I know a few millions photos from cameras around this world. If they want to see my dick as I go through security, all they have to do is have a halfway decent chic stand there and ask. Health wise, I'm more concerned about the bacteria and parasites on the plane than I am a body scanner.

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i have nothing to hide (in my body) nor does it concern me of the "radiation" put on my body, so that i dont care about as much, but its not what i cant see from the govt... my info, where ive been, where im going or where i ate... but what i can see (walking through a machine that i know takes a pic of me).


thats all i mean.. very few rights we still have, so if it takes a little longer to get to the gate, meh.. whatever.

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If you don't think you're flight and personal information, cell phone locations, credit card usage, etc... isn't data-based by many already, then you're living under a rock.

This. I laugh when someone comments that they don't like the idea of RFIDs, or cameras in public places, or other ways the "man" might track them, then they pull out a cell phone. Cell phone companies have been able to track phones from DAY ONE. If you are within range of three cell towers, they can pinpoint you. Two, and they have a general idea. One, and you're within a circle around that tower. They don't need GPS, they can use their basic infrastructure.


When cellphones started to become easily portable and theft of cell codes and the phones themselves started to rise, I remember one company (forget which) announcing that they could protect their customers by monitoring their usual useage areas and tagging calls from outside those areas as potential theft. That ability hasn't gone away.


Come to think of it.. credit card companies do that too....


Where you are and what you are doing is already being tracked, compiled, and sold to advertising companies. Grocery card? Good for the sales, but don't think for a moment that Kroger/Giant Eagle/etc. aren't compiling what you buy into a database so they know what to stock in each area.


There's no way to stop it. Data flows both ways.

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I won't be happy until everyone gets their butthole fingered when going through security. Fuck random searches everyone get violated the same way. If you don't like it don't fly.



you must not have to fly to much. for me, that's like saying you should get a butt hole in your finger to get in your car to drive to work on monday morning. i have to go through this shit a couple times a week.

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i have to go through this shit a couple times a week.


from one frequent flyer to another, you must have pissed someone off and got on a list of some sort or you aren't doing something right if you don't simply just walk through security 99% of the time. I mean, I can't remember the last time I was even wanded...and I travel a lot. Used to fly every single week and maybe got padded down once.

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no. i am exaggerating a bit. but i have got chosen to go through the scanner 3 times at CMH since it's been there. i fly southwest and they have one at the C gates. i have also got chosen for it at other airports, like Atlanta and DFW but, it is always there with the possibility of having to deal with it. it's really not that bad, but I do feel violated when I do have to deal with it.


and you don't get wanded now unless you refuse the scanner. as far as I know...


what do you do? IT?


what area's do you go to?

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I was just at CMH, Atlanta, Johannesburg, Heathrow and Detroit. Went through security without any problems, everything went smooth, and best of all I didnt have to go through the body scanners. I did set off the metal detector in Heathrow though, and all I got was the wand and a pat down. After seeing what the scanned images look like, I dont care if I had to go through them.
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