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this sat A.D. Farrow STARBOYZ!!!!


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Aren't almost 90% of stunters assholes to society? I never had an experience like that, and a very good friend of mine happens to be one, but it's not my cup of joe either as cleaner said. Watching stunters bores the hell out of me. But it's their right to ride the bike how they want. I just don't support them in any way. I'm just a believer it's not what sportbikes are designed for and I don't consider it true riding. But more power to them if it makes them happy.

I totally agree that everyone has a right to ride their style. It's when you burn two family campers to the ground it's time to get your ass kicked!

Yota, you can plan on me being there for the pic, Ha!


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I totally agree that everyone has a right to ride their style. It's when you burn two family campers to the ground it's time to get your ass kicked!

Yota, you can plan on me being there for the pic, Ha!


Agreed :boxing: 90% of them still are assholes though..lol

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Well shit. Im not gonna have a bike so I may be out of this event. I might be making an emergency run to Indianapolis for parts for my 748. Sorry guys, I have to have my bike ready for the track on monday. I dont want to risk not being ready.

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I'm kind of bummed I missed this. I didn't know they were doing an ariel shot of that. My best friend is in Iraq for the fourth time. :( I would have loved to have been in that photo.

How was it for those who went?

I went. There were six of us that met up at QSL. There were a ton of people at QSL and AD Farrow. It was packed. There was more up there than just a stunt show, everything from vendor booths, a climbing wall, and other stuff.

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I sold an exhaust to Kevin from the Starboys....lol. He's one crazy mufucka.

He was there and did a few impressive moves. He scared the shit outta some people though. He did a few stoppies a few feet away from them during the show. They backed up a little bit and he was like "don't worry, i got insurance." :confused: It was a good time and the event was for a good cause so it was worth it.

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my boy Andrew Hyder was there doin the Supermoto stuff, I stopped by for a lil bit, that course they set up def. didnt show what we really do on those bikes, not enough room to open 'em up

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