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75.1mph in a 65mph zone?


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i got pulled over when i was 16 for going 32 in a 15mph road. went to the juvenile court and fought it and got let go. I think the only reason I got let go was because my buddy got pulled over 5 minutes after I did in the exact same spot by the same cop and got the exact same speed but the conditions of the road varied along with some other items so there was a discrepancy.
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10 over is still 10 over. Sucks but it is what it is. He should have just busted you for 76mph to purposely inflict you with points.


Considering the economy, city cops are driving more revenue in spite of points towards driver records. Won't stop me though.


I routinely go 73-75 and hardly ever hit the brakes. I'll coast down or tap the cruise button but otherwise I see it as an insult to the cop.

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Good eyes plus a good radar detector have kept me out of any tickets for the past 3 years. I only hit the highway when I'm going back to Cleveland, but when I do I usually keep around 80-85. In a small red sports car.


I think my luck is about to run out any time now.

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I cruise at an indicated 75 which is actually 72-73mph. (This thread reminds me that I need to calibrate the speedo in the new car) It's fast enough to satisfy the little speed demon inside, but slow enough to stay below the radar of most cops. I just don't speed excessively any more. The hassle with a ticket, let alone insurance getting bumped, just isn't worth it.


As for a radar detector, I don't own one. I just keep my speed sensible. But for long trips, just to be sure, I hook up a CB radio. Truckers are better than a radar detector any day. You'll hear about a cop MILES before a fuzzbuster would ever pick up a signal.


"Eastbound, you've got a bear looking for customers at mile marker ###"


You'll hear about cops AND highway patrol. You can't make an entire cruiser "instant-on." ;)

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As for a radar detector, I don't own one. I just keep my speed sensible. But for long trips, just to be sure, I hook up a CB radio. Truckers are better than a radar detector any day. You'll hear about a cop MILES before a fuzzbuster would ever pick up a signal.


"Eastbound, you've got a bear looking for customers at mile marker ###"


You'll hear about cops AND highway patrol. You can't make an entire cruiser "instant-on." ;)


QFT. When living in Baltimore, I had that CB up any time I visited family in Cleveland. The detector was useless (stupid thing bleeped at just about anything), but the truckers never once missed a call.

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I got hit with a 71 in a 65 on 270 a few months back, fucking State Troopers. Seems like once spring hits, every Road Nazi gets a hair up their ass and goes nuts.


i shit you not i got pulled over for doing 21 in my neighborhood.. which is a 25. we have our own cops, who are assholes to say in the least lol :/


Same here. Back when I was a teenager and bored Hilliard cops would always badger me, I was once pulled over for going 19 in a school zone (limit is 20 I believe). When I asked why I was pulled over, the officer told me that he wanted to warn me not to speed through there because they would be patrolling it heavily in the future :rolleyes:

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Cruise control is definitely my friend. The speed limits here are overall ridiculous compared to many places I've lived. And let's not even start on the amount of manpower all 3 depts use for traffic regulation.


Also, for those who are afraid to hit the brakes too much when you're speeding, it takes a moment for them to get a lock on you. If you hit those brakes immediately, they won't have the proof they need. This doesn't mean they may not 'mislead' you, but this is truth. This is worth the money of the ticket. Screw 'disrespecting' the cop by braking! I do try not to look obvious I'm slowing down generally, though.

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Fight a 10 over ticket? Its not a 2 or a 3 or something small, its 10 over...good luck on that one



Meh if its a slow day in your life, go and show up, maybe the cop won't show. I got out of 86 in a 65 that way. Its free to show up.

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