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Super-bacteria, we're F

Forrest Gump 9

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I guess the huge push for them right now is in Prosthesis. They get infected at the contact point of the limbs. They want to line prosthesis with Bacteriophages to prevent infection. They say that if they can perfect this it will lead to Bionic limbs that can be joined to muscles and bone. Then we can have Darth Vader.
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And this is why prescribing antibiotics for EVERYTHING was a bad idea.. Ah well, them's the breaks.


Not just prescribed. Soaps, rinses, and it's pumped into everything we raise for food or has the possibility of becoming spoiled. We throw antibiotics at everything. It is pumped into all our livestock from chickens to cattle. It's used wantonly in countless applications on something that's capable of evolving faster than we keep up with. It was only a matter of time. Not too worried, though. I'm hoping something better than antibiotics will come along now. And there are, they just need to be perfected as mentioned above. Antibiotics is like using a 5lb sledge to kill an flea in a pile of kittens you love.


In the meantime, keep all your dirty, little hands away from me!

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See and there goes everyone calling me and Scotty nuts for wanting to setup a Z Day compound in WVA/Southern Ohio, walled off from civilization. Kind of like a panic room, but only more of a panic civilization (5-10 quarantined, fortified acres)


Anyone still want in?


Scotty my boy, man the turrets.

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See and there goes everyone calling me and Scotty nuts for wanting to setup a Z Day compound in WVA/Southern Ohio, walled off from civilization. Kind of like a panic room, but only more of a panic civilization (5-10 quarantined, fortified acres)


Anyone still want in?


Scotty my boy, man the turrets.


Just finishing off my personal armory when I get home. Next step is reloading/buying more ammo. :cool:

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Scott, I have good guns now... can I roll with you? I watched Zombie land and have been working on my cardio.


Fo sho. You should also watch Dawn of the Dead, along with 28 days/28 Weeks later. Gives you a spectrum of what you may have to deal with. Twilight my ass! I don't see no vampires! Zombies man, fuggin' zombies!

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I've also got 4 swords after we run out of bullets. So are we taking over a Walmart or a Sams Club?


p.s. grenades > zombies


Walmart for sure. NOT only are they rollin' back prices everyday, but also carry a good selection of common ammunition along with an impecable produce section. Hopefully there would be no need for a sword, for that would mean the "Z's" got past the final line of advance.

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Walmart for sure. NOT only are they rollin' back prices everyday, but also carry a good selection of common ammunition along with an impecable produce section. Hopefully there would be no need for a sword, for that would mean the "Z's" got past the final line of advance.


In before zombiesofwalmart.com

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