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heart break, lust, revenge!!!


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A lot of you know who paul is. Nice, funny, dumb, genuine, retard. Some of you know igor. Personally never had an issue and I don't mind the guy not 1 bit. For some reason the general basis is that people don't like him. I don't get it, but I digress....




At qsl tonight, a few of us are at the table eating, well spl josh gets a call from igor, paul instantly freaks out. Trying to hide, and blushing like a school girl. Talking all this shit about how he can't stand the guy this and that, how he left him at the bar last nite to get vagina. Paul was clearly hurt by this. So john (car whore) and I have figured it out.....





Paul and igor were lovers . We don't know wen, and this was never denied, paul just laughed. Cause igor saw us, looked dead at me, saw that paul was there and kept it moving. So obvious, these two young sprouting men had "that feeling" toward eachother. Comes to find out paul wanted more than a wam bam thank you, and that's wat igor did. Pauls heart was slearly broken, and went into a state of deep depression. Think about it. He has been hating mods left and right, doesn't really go anywhere but the bar now a days, doesn't really race anymore, and got "laid off" ( we think his emotions were effecting his performance at work) an unconfirmed source says. We think paul has a shrine with bits of igors hair in his room, and crys himself to sleep everynight hoping igor comes home.



Please help paul through this emtoional time, we don't wanna lose a good friend to something like this.





Best wishes paul....








They took our jerbs!

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Shut up you fat fuck you wish you I was gay u faggot.


Paul is still in deep remorse. Its a love hate relationship. Right now Paul considering a temporary restraining order. Or buying one of these roses a Guy is selling here and riding over to igors house and rekindling the love on a moon lit motorcycle ride

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Paul is still in deep remorse. Its a love hate relationship. Right now Paul considering a temporary restraining order. Or buying one of these roses a Guy is selling here and riding over to igors house and rekindling the love on a moon lit motorcycle ride


He's leaving solo :bangbang:

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He's leaving solo :bangbang:



No mandum with a friendly handsie ? That's effed up man. He's emotionally unstable, and ur just goona use him wen he is fragile like this. Be a man! Take control of the situation, fix the problem

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100% off topic, but does anyone else notice brandons details say collecting 200k a month??? Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah:lol:bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha:cry:hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBREATH]ahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha........deep panting,hahahahahahahahahhaaha, I need a tissue....
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Yeah, collecting that much for Satan, aka Chase Bank.



How does one do that but yet claims he has no job, and lil to 0 income? But yet, is on cr and out at the bar more time than anyone else I know? Shit, making that much u don't need chase.



Off topic though,


Igor: I got these cheese burgers man!

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