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My Dog Attacked A Porcupine (Pics)...


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And lost. Of course. :lol:


On our vacation last week to the 1000 Islands in New York, my Dad and his wife took his Lab and my two Labs on a long walk through the woods. Well, they come up on a porcupine (they are all over this area and have no natural enemies) and my one Lab Sandi just goes after it. The other two dogs, Sandi's sister Molly and my Dad's Lab didn't even budge. She tried to bite its ass and ended up looking like this:






So, I took out the needle nosed pliers and got to work. They say you are supposed to sedate the dog, or put it under before attempting this as it might bite you, but my dog is very gentle and well mannered (when not going after animals with quills on them), and she let me pull each one out. She had probably 20-30 of them in her face, lip, mouth and tongue! :eek: Sharp fuckers. Within 30 minutes, she was back to herself, swimming in the water and eating her dinner. My wife was shopping in Ottawa and was a bit freaked out when I called her to give the news.


The night before I left, I was loading up my SUV. It was probably 10 or 11 at night and I was only using the light from the cabin windows to move around outside. Well fuck me running, I was out near my boat trailer and saw something in the grass not 2 feet from me. I slowly moved away and went to get my flashlight. Yeah, it was a porcupine. Holy mother of God, had I kicked that thing. I was wearing shorts and sandals... :eek:

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Man, that sucks. At least you were there to get them out. They'll actually burrow deeper into the animal the longer they stay in. Make sure he doesn't get an infection.


I guess it could have been worse, I just saw this poor dog on google




Poor littel BullTerrier. These guys along with pits amstaffs aren't generally perturbed by animal defense. It seems to make them fight harder. My dogs were unaffected by the damn skunk they caught. Just pissed them off more.

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