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Shitty start to a weekend. PICS


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All was good. Last night my brother Ron is headed into town from Cincinnati for the APA pool tournament at 8 Ball sports bar on Morse Rd. Anways he is riding his 1999 Harley Sportster 1200 and it breaks down. It just stops running on the highway.. (He thinks its not getting spark). So we wake up early this morning to go get a U-Haul to haul his bike away and on our way up 71 with the U-haul trailer some dumb TEENAGE bitch cuts into our lane and hits us (Clearly she wasn't paying attention). Snaps the arm off the trailer, pushes my bumper in on my truck, dents the rear of the U-Haul, and fucks her car up. So the driver of the car that rear ended us decides to play the "hurting game" she said her leg hurt and her head hurt, which seems to be impossible from the wreck. Anyways we go through all the BS of the normal accident and we finally make it back home, empty handed of course. On the way walking into my house I step in dog shit... Just to add insult to injury. Basically now that our weekend has been kinda ruined I need to know if anyone has a trailer we can use to haul a motorcycle or maybe someone who works on motorcycles to come look at it so my brother can ride his bike back to Cincinnati on Sunday... If anyone does please PM me.



Here are a few pics.







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I'm assuming you called Uhaul and they sent someone to pick up the trailer. Why didn't they bring you another trailer at the same time? It should work just like a moving truck, if it breaks down, you call them and they bring another one to your location, then you put all your shit in the new one, and they stay with/have towed the old one.
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I'm assuming you called Uhaul and they sent someone to pick up the trailer. Why didn't they bring you another trailer at the same time? It should work just like a moving truck, if it breaks down, you call them and they bring another one to your location, then you put all your shit in the new one, and they stay with/have towed the old one.


The cop actually called a tow truck before I could call U-Haul, and they brought the type of tow truck that tows semi trucks for a little ass trailer.

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You still live off abbey church? I thought all those apartments had garages... Least lakeview square or whatever its called did i thought.


Nah, last week I moved to Sawmill Ravine. Its really nice over here. And the gym membership to the premier at sawmill is awesome.

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