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Health and fitness - Did p90 half way, about to start P90X.


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So I was trying to find out if theres anyone else out there who wants to do it with me by chance? And I'd like to see this as a group effort if possible. You don't have to actually do the workouts with me but we could converse about what plans were doing or shit like that to help motivate each other on a whole which makes doing this a lot easier as well as having good support working throughout the process.


If you don't have the P90x stuff or aren't quite up to the X and want to start at the Power 90, let me know. I have backups I can 'loan' people should the need arise of both.


I have lost a shit ton of weight and anyone here who's seen me the past couple months can atest to that. So lets get some posts up on who's interested and we can go from there.

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Keep me updated. I've lost 68 pounds since may and will be looking for different workouts in the future. I'm not quite ready to go into the P90s yet.


So far I've just been watching what I eat, a lot of cardio, and training with a fighter has done it for me. My uncle got 75 days into P90X before the season started (he's a HS football coach) and it worked GREAT for him.

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Keep me updated. I've lost 68 pounds since may and will be looking for different workouts in the future. I'm not quite ready to go into the P90s yet.


So far I've just been watching what I eat, a lot of cardio, and training with a fighter has done it for me. My uncle got 75 days into P90X before the season started (he's a HS football coach) and it worked GREAT for him.


The P90 system itself was made before P90x and is a LOT more low key. If you'd like me to show you a bit of what the workouts are, I can bring the dvd with me somewhere and show you what I mean. P90X is the more intense movements, longer workout session.


As a point of reference, my fiancee' just gave birth to our son May 5th from an emergency C-section and she is on the later part of the P90 workouts, almost to the X and has been doing it for a couple months now. So I say if someone like her who got up to a pretty hefty size with the kid which is to be expected and not being able to really do much of anything for about 12ish weeks (6-8 weeks for her to be able to move around without worrying of ripping anything and another 4 to feel quasi normal again), you can as well - especially if you're already training with someone :D

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The P90 system itself was made before P90x and is a LOT more low key. If you'd like me to show you a bit of what the workouts are, I can bring the dvd with me somewhere and show you what I mean. P90X is the more intense movements, longer workout session.


Buy me dinner first. lol


As a point of reference, my fiancee' just gave birth to our son May 5th from an emergency C-section and she is on the later part of the P90 workouts, almost to the X and has been doing it for a couple months now. So I say if someone like her who got up to a pretty hefty size with the kid which is to be expected and not being able to really do much of anything for about 12ish weeks (6-8 weeks for her to be able to move around without worrying of ripping anything and another 4 to feel quasi normal again), you can as well - especially if you're already training with someone :D


"Hefty"? In may I stood 6'1" and weighed 421. Was she that "hefty"? Nah, didn't think so. :p


Appreciate the offer and I have friends who have offered P90 and P90X but I honestly don't want to get into it until I stall out hard with what I'm doing, then I'll take it up to keep things moving, then move on to something else. I'm 34% into my goal of losing 200 lbs as it is so I'm gonna keep pushing.


Seriously though, thanks. I just want to see how well it works for others honestly. I have read all about the 2, watched infomercials on both, and seen the results from friend and fam. It helps me to track others progress.


Plus, I can't train in the gym for 1-2 hours AND do P90X, and I have to be honest, it feels good to connect with a fighter and bring him to his knees. :p

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Not a problem, I've got photos of myself from the start of P90 till now which is a very notable thing but i'll be documenting this go around pretty heavily. I've got a goal in mind for christmas, so far i'm on the right track but we shall see how this X does and how hard it works me.
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My uncle was way outta shape (not as much as me though) and had to start with girl push ups, pull ups, etc. By day 75 he was pretty much full on. When the season ends he says he's starting back. Stick with it.


I want to be down 100 total by the end of the year so I know what you're going through.

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I wouldn't mind doing the P90. I have lost 25lbs in the past 2 months, and have lost motivation. It would be nice to change it up a bit. Let me know. Starting back on my diet on Monday.


Part of my problem was dieting. I always started diets, and even the ones I finished were worthless. I would lose say 20 pouns in a few weeks dieting then go back to 2 double burgers and 2 McChickens and there it was. Back in all its glory.


What I did was a life change. I had to tell myself I was sick of not just being overweight, because being huge has it's perks, but sick of killing myself with food.


Life change > Diet.

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Yup and that's what the p90 series (x, masters, regular p90) tries to do for people is change their lifestyles, not so much just temporary shifts. I stopped eating a lot of fast food back when I first lost the majority of my weight and cut pop out and all that. Now I actually need to start eating MORE because I just sorta... stopped. I'll forget to eat sometimes or get sidetracked with whatever else is going on during the day and will look up to the time to see its almost 11pm or something and I haven't ate a thing all day.


But other than that diet wise just be smart and things will work out well :D

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As a point of reference also with my weight loss - me 2005/2007






I was around 330 in this one.


Me back in April or May of this year -




And there's quite a huge difference from me from May of this year to now. So we'll see how much I'll get to change before the years out.

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I have P90X and started it. My worst thing going against me is my own lack of planning out the time and commitment. I need to go from 185-190 back to my lean and mean 155-165 range. Not much, but it's a bitch for me.


I find it's easier to commit when I'm traveling as I pack it all up in my car and can do it at the hotel. At home there are way too many distractions with family and all.


Keep up the good work. I really need to get into it.

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^ Don't say it's not much. My buddy has fought in the past and considered it again and told me how hard it can be going from 180ish walking around to fights at about 162.


Also, I started by walking and just watching what I ate. Portion control on HEALTHY foods and WATER. Winner winner, 100 calorie chicken dinner.

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I'd like to lose around 30-40lbs, I've lost close to 10 already just cutting out fast food and alot of pop. Trying to eat better but it's hard as hell.


Does the p90 really help cut weight that much?


If you follow the diet plan and schedule, yes. Absolutely. Without following the diet, the workout is not nearly as effective.

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I just started the P90 last week. I have been working out pretty regularly for the past 4 years. Even though this is the beginners workout, it still kicks my butt. I lost 3 pounds last week, however, I have no self control on Saturdays watching football. Beer and snacks all day ruin it. I started this week 1 pound less than I did last week.


Question on the P90 set... When do you move from disc 1 to disc 2? Are you just suppose to only do the routines on disc 1 until you feel comfortable and confident enough to move on to disc 2?


And what is the diet plan on the P90?

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I actually have no idea what the diet plan is for the p90 workout plan but I can get a copy of it for you. I have been following a different dietary means (ala just not eating shit) but am going to be following the p90x diet for these next two weeks then starting in earnest per the guide rigidly till december 22nd.


As for the switching of discs, we just did sweat 1-2/sculpt 1-2 for the better part of a couple months. Doing it every day you will be ready for 3-4 more than likely after amonth and a half easy. Once on 3-4 for a while you may start getting bored and not feeling nearly as worked and THATS when you swap to p90x I'd think. The routines after a while become like second nature so it requires some keeping focused and just setting a time aside a night to do what you need to do.


Give me a few and ill have something up for you Sully as far as the diet goes.

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I have one "cheat day" a week. Make Saturday your only cheat day and be rigorous the other 6 and you'll be ok. Drink ONLY water the other 6 and try to get back on the amount of beer on Saturdays. Still avoid pop of all kinds. I even get the Wally World brand flavor packs to help with drinking water all the time thing. It's helped me a ton.


EDIT: Just weighed in. Officially down a full 70 pounds. :thumbup:

Edited by Otis Nice
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I havnt been on CR in a while this post Makes me smile.



Here is what I have been up too.


ight now I have been back in the GYM religiously, 4 times a week. Right now Ive been trying to build mass. Big weight low Reps


I'm taking Dark Matter, strict diet Sun-Fri and have a goal of 300 to bench by middle of march.


"Bench" Last march I was at 265 max. Right now I'm down to 225. I fell out of the gym for a solid 5 months I'm back and I'm more focused.


I would love to be at my target weight of 160-170 by march my question is since I'm gaining mass is it still ok to use this while I'm lifting and gaining mass?


My assumption is that all my muscle will become lean and not as large as I want it.


At my job Im VERY active so its twice as hard for me to gain mass already.


FYI I'm sitting at 189 right now.


Id love to be cut up by spring break last year I did "ok" but this year I wanna really make a change. So far its looking like I will.





Veirtas, what all do you need with the p90? doesnt the 90x you need the door pull up bar or something?

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