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Hiding a ValentineOne


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This has been discussed so many times but... I, too, have a V1 hardwired into my rearview mirror power. It's mounted high on my windshield, about as high as it will go. I don't worry about others seeing my detector lights, most don't pay attention anyway. The only annoying part is I can't mount it above the mirror due to Lexus' ridiculous dots on the windshield and it interferes with my sun visor where I have it.


About speeding... unless you're the only car on the road, you can detect instant-on radar by paying attention to what the V1 tells you. I've been saved a few times when unintentionally speeding, and when intentionally speeding pay attention the terrain (hills, sight distance, curves) as was mentioned before. The V1 isn't a cloaking device but I appreciate what it does and glad I bought it. My advice is don't rip the guts out just because you want a "flush install", it's a waste of time.

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What most people do is mount the V1 high on the windshield above the rearview mirror and tap into the power source that lives up there for the sunroof/lights/ect.


It's very clean, and neat.



Done this on like all 10 cars I've owned since buying my first V1 at age 17. It's the way to go. I don't think they've ever even seen it up there, as they are looking down in at you from your driver window and can't see up. Depending on vehicle and how much you piss them off I suppose. :)

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I use my phone for police hot spot detection, speeding camera detection, and red light camera detection. There are apps out there that work on the Android that will show you the last reported police areas, cameras, etc. The more people that use it and note places were cops are the more efficient it would be.


For some reason 90% of the people I talk to with the app seem to think that that is where the cops are at the moment...in my head at that point I am laughing hysterically cause many people don't tend to look at the report dates on those apps from the police sightings.


Here's a solid solution though. Don't speed. I have had enough tickets the past few years to realize radar detector or not most cops around Columbus use Laser, including Sheriff's out towards Marysville, OHP the same way, as well as on 71, and CPD on 270 all use laser most of the time. But when cops are driving instead of stopped they use their radar to find if people are speeding.

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To the speed limit comments, I definitely understand. I am a calm driver on freeways (cruise at 70 and generally careful within cities). However, I do alot of driving through the countryside and have been caught twice entering small municipalities where the speedlimit drops from 55 to 35 and I'm still at 60. Both times have been radar.


in those situations, just slow down. you're likely alone or in the lead, so when they instant on you, you instantly have a ticket so it won't matter.


key is to speed wisely. My V1 has been sitting on a shelf since July of 08. zero tickets. just be observant and wise. I am usually 5-7mph above in 35-45mph zones and 9-15mph above on the freeway.


knocking on wood.......

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I use my phone for police hot spot detection, speeding camera detection, and red light camera detection. There are apps out there that work on the Android that will show you the last reported police areas, cameras, etc. The more people that use it and note places were cops are the more efficient it would be.


For some reason 90% of the people I talk to with the app seem to think that that is where the cops are at the moment...in my head at that point I am laughing hysterically cause many people don't tend to look at the report dates on those apps from the police sightings.


I use trapster most all the time. Not to think that others will warn me of a cop or a live trap, but more than anything, even the old or dead traps are still locations that one can use for awareness. Especially helpful for when you're in areas that aren't your regular turf.


Just how I use it.

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