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New 997 911 Turbo is beastly


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I don't know dude... The 996s I've sat in were far, far, far, nicer and (feeled) better built than any C5 I've ever sat in. Corvette's have come a long way in driveability since the C3s and C4s, I'll give you that.
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Thanks, yeah I think I took you and your dad's picture. None of this is personal.


Well you certainly seem to have a lot of experience with both. I too could care less about the status. Just to explain where I'm coming from...Let's say I am looking for a new car to purchase, and I've narrowed it down to a couple of choices. 2 similiar cars, that have similiar performance etc. When I sit in the car, I feel around in the interior. I squeeze the steering wheel, jiggle the door handle, feel the dash, open everything that opens or is on a hinge. I hate a cheap interior, and if shits made out of cheap plastic that creeks and jiggles and I can see that it's been painted with cheap paint that's already starting to fade, I can't stand that.


That's one of the main reason why I can't stand American cars, and most Japanese cars because they all have terrible interiors. If that's how they make the car in the area that you are always in, the thing that EVERYONE sees, god knows how the shit is that most people are never going to see. Most of the time the exterior plastics are the same way, like the rear of the C6 and the front of the Camaro 5.


I don't have these problems in German and European cars for the most part. On top of that I like the complexity of them, the gadgets and over engineering and all that crap. Some Japanese cars can pull that part of it off pretty good. They are usually more expensive to buy and maintain, but that's because you're getting a lot more I believe, you get what you pay for and if I'm going to drop 20K on a car, I might as well drop 22K and get something worth while.


But that's just me.

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Agreed- the interiors in the corvettes are not as nice as equal generation german cars- they are about 8-10 years behind. The c6 is better than the c5 and both are worlds above most the rest of GM except for maybe a caddy or the gto for some reason. I swear the POS "BOSE" headunit that came in my z06 looks like it came out of a 90s blazer. And the plastic gas pedal next to a nice aluminum brake and clutch... I have spoken with a c5 engineer (online) and he says everyone complains about these little details but they add up and that is why the car costs 50some grand instead of 100- c5 at least-
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