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Stock market ATVI , traders opinion?

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets

The symbol ATVI , the company , activision.


With black ops due out soon are any of you traders looking for a short term jump yeild?





Does anyone track this stock and have information of pps versus the last released MW title?


Here is a ss from my TD for ATVI with a one year chart.




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If a person had really good knowledge of the trends in consoles, tech, future games/developments they could do well swing trading those stocks. I do not have that knowledge so I'd be simply guessing.


I can tell from what little I do know that the call of duty series has been very successful so its likely that the new release will be helpful, but lots of times its already been priced into the stock.


I'd rather put money into a console maker, but then without good knowledge of the tech and trends your guessing/hoping one is successful vs another maybe having recalls and such.

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lots of times its already been priced into the stock.



I haven't looked into ATVI at all, but yeh that is usually the case.

One positive thing is that these companies were lowering top line Q4 expectations due to the market weakness a couple months ago, so it should have an easy number to beat.

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Are you planning on buying now and selling after the holidays?


You may get a little bump because of the buying season...how much are you paying in trades and what are you looking to invest?


Stocks are fun, but watch your yield. It looks like the resistance level over the last 8 months has been 12...not sure how much more you'll get after that...

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Will you selling your Sirius Stock? I swear it sounds like howard is done everyday, he talks about it constantly. I don't see it surviving without him.


Do you have anything else to add to "not surviving without him." IMO If they renew his contract they will just reduce their bottom line. I didn't really think he was that big anymore, but I really don't know anything about Howard other than he's not my cup of tea. They are at around an 80% churn rate from car sales and I have a hard time believing that even a large majority of those subscribers care if he's on the radio or not.

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We held around $100,000 of Activision through the MW:2 release in my equity group in college. Stock didn't budge, actually dropped afterwards. The numbers are usually baked in. Market doesn't look at just one title.


You will be buying into retail numbers this holiday season. No one knows that shit. "Better than last year" is not a solid investment theory, either. ;)

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Looking at their 5 year chart you can see they've remained pretty flat and likelly will continue except for winter 2008 which I believe was a release of a lot of games, namely call of duty which I read on wiki did very well and likely did much better than expected to cause such a movement.


The chart also shows they would have been one thing in this bad economy to put money in to be pretty safe compared to even index funds and other things which is pretty funny. I guess people will find the money to buy video games even if they lose their house.

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Guest 614Streets
We held around $100,000 of Activision through the MW:2 release in my equity group in college. Stock didn't budge, actually dropped afterwards. The numbers are usually baked in. Market doesn't look at just one title.


You will be buying into retail numbers this holiday season. No one knows that shit. "Better than last year" is not a solid investment theory, either. ;)


Ok good to know. I mean I like setiment, I missed 20 grand in 24 hours when the ipo for tesla was let run.

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Guest 614Streets
Will you selling your Sirius Stock? I swear it sounds like howard is done everyday, he talks about it constantly. I don't see it surviving without him.


Dude as far as I am concerned SIRI will make anyone a profit. They are at an all time subscriber high at 20 million, all serious debt isnt due for awhile , liberty is probably going to buy them out and sirius 2.0 is coming out in about a year. I bet they swallow up pandora. Its a monopoly and a no brainer.


About Howard Stern though. Its a win win situation. If he leaves we save 100 million a year, if he stays I bet its for less pay and less work. Sirius XM is in every new car manufacturer and even their commercial side that is more inovative than musak does well.



About sirius. They just hit the 52 week high at $1.30. That means if you had just under 40000 invested since the last time you all saw a thread on Columbus racing talking about sirius stock , you would have bagged another 9- 10 grand.



At current levels I would wait to get back in until the market corrects after the false jobs numbers the obama administration has put out before elections rear their true ugly heads. Retail is strong. But housing and credit still have big old band aids. The Russell index and wall street just ate a nice bully lunch , give it time to diegest.

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At current levels I would wait to get back in until the market corrects after the false jobs numbers the obama administration has put out before elections rear their true ugly heads. Retail is strong. But housing and credit still have big old band aids. The Russell index and wall street just ate a nice bully lunch , give it time to diegest.


I agree. I made good shorting GME. Gaming really took a hit, if you want to dabble in the sector I would start now and slowly add on dips cause like you said the bulls went on a run and its time for the bears to digest them and pull it back.


I like the swing trade, you just got to take profit off quick if it jumps bc like people said in the long run it will mostly be flat.

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good idea for a traders forum let me know if you start it up.


yeah it was running hot for awhile


Id like to participate. Although Im losing my ass right now on VMware.



will do, I had something setup with a nulled forum and decided that wasnt such a good idea so im rebuilding it now.


it will be a speculation forum for stocks and sports betting. if anyone is interested in helping start it up pm me or email me

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