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Hey Nitrousbird


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  Nitrousbird said:
Not even close. Couple C6 Outlaw 10.5 cars that run FAR faster than that. Here is what looks to soon be the new record holder in Outlaw 10.5:




1/8 mile pass of different C6:


Most of the Outlaw races are 1/8 mile, usually running mid-6's to low 7's in the 1/4.




So put that in your pipe and smoke it!

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Okay, so you won an LSx challenge race. How does that = fastest C6? Your 8.15 isn't even the fastest LSx in Ohio. You may hold the fastest IRS Corvette title, but not the fastest C6.


Don't get me wrong, 8.15 is moving out for sure, and one of the fastest on this board (probably the fastest regular poster). But I get annoyed seeing credit for something that isn't really true.

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  DarkFormula said:
Shit, you've been saying that for years while wining and dining your now wife. I've been able to do both :)

What you haven't done is fully re-do a Reynoldsburg house after it was trashed, restore a forclosed home you purchased, and boat every weekend you can (on top of getting married, more work responsibilities, etc). The car is not a priority, and hasn't been for a while. I'd rather go boating/quading than worry about the car, so it sits in the garage and waits.


  Stolen 5.0 said:
Just remember to keep your brake caliper bolts tight Joe.

I still can't figure out how that randomly came loose...that bolt had been in there for a couple of years and thousands of miles (both street driving and numerous track runs). I forgot that even happened until you posted it. :)

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  Evolved8 said:
InB4 Page 2. Also +1 for the ownage mark dished out.

What ownage? Where was anything I said disproved? He has a fast LSx, and likely the fastest IRS Corvette. I never stated he didn't.


  DarkFormula said:
Don't bitch, those were your choices :p


Sucked to see it rot all these years.

- Who is bitching. I have no priority in the car, but have no reason to get rid of it.

- You haven't seen the car in years, so how could you see it rot?

- Cars don't tend to rot in clean/dry garages.

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There is no other C6 registered anywhere on this planet or the one you are from that is faster than mine. Now someday that may change, but until then, mine holds the title, record, and I even won the money put up to anyone anywhere in the world that wanted to say different.


/end thread

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  atomicfusion said:
There is no other C6 registered anywhere on this planet or the one you are from that is faster than mine. Now someday that may change, but until then, mine holds the title, record, and I even won the money put up to anyone anywhere in the world that wanted to say different.


/end thread



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  atomicfusion said:
There is no other C6 registered anywhere on this planet or the one you are from that is faster than mine. Now someday that may change, but until then, mine holds the title, record, and I even won the money put up to anyone anywhere in the world that wanted to say different.


/end thread


this is a c6, right?

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I don't see why he doesn't deserve credit? Have you ever seen the car in person? It is literally the cleanest corvette I have ever seen. Look inside tell me if you can see the water to air intercooler, hell show me the cage inside it? I don't understand why you can't be a man and give credit when credit is due. Sounds like some jealousy and arrogance to me.
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