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Next US War...Mexico


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Who else thinks the US needs to fucking just nuke the Drug Cartel assholes in Mexico ?




The Mexican Gov't is a bunch of fucking pussies that can't even control the bad guys let alone stop a real army.


I say we move the hell out of the land of Turbans and take over Mexico. Plenty of oil down there for us and much better looking women. Hell our troops can come home every weekend too as it's much closer.


FUCK THE Cartel!!

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The Cartel is a bit more prepared than the Mexican government. Here's one of the many reasons why:

"Several of them, according to the Mexican government, were trained at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Ga. The school, now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, is the U.S. Army's principal Spanish-language training facility for Latin American military personnel."




We kinda caused this problem, almost similar to Afghanistan with the Mujahideen. Unfortunately, these "insurgents" work their way in. Due to Posse Comitatus, the US government CAN NOT employ Federal Military to snuff these turds out one by one. Once we get someone in power that gives a damn about our country, there will be a green light on the Cartel and Zetas. I'm pretty sure someone with in our government is lining their pockets too.

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I'm pretty sure someone with in our government is lining their pockets too.


Good info. I agree too. My motto is always to " follow the money. " No matter what the situation is, man and money will always leave a trail that one can follow.

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The Cartel is a bit more prepared than the Mexican government. Here's one of the many reasons why:

"Several of them, according to the Mexican government, were trained at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Ga. The school, now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, is the U.S. Army's principal Spanish-language training facility for Latin American military personnel."




We kinda caused this problem, almost similar to Afghanistan with the Mujahideen. Unfortunately, these "insurgents" work their way in. Due to Posse Comitatus, the US government CAN NOT employ Federal Military to snuff these turds out one by one. Once we get someone in power that gives a damn about our country, there will be a green light on the Cartel and Zetas. I'm pretty sure someone with in our government is lining their pockets too.




So at what point does all this stuff that you know or have heard of make you feel like we may be in over our head? Scotty you honestly know a lot about a lot of things and it just makes me wonder if our govenrment is working right when the soldiers know more and are better suited to run this country.

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So at what point does all this stuff that you know or have heard of make you feel like we may be in over our head? Scotty you honestly know a lot about a lot of things and it just makes me wonder if our govenrment is working right when the soldiers know more and are better suited to run this country.


I wouldn't say we're in over our heads, but it is going to be spilling more and more into the United States. The United States has the largest demand for their products, and these Cartels have plenty of folks that do their biddings for them. We could do more, but it's a cat and mouse game. The boarder patrol alone isn't going to stop this stuff. But you know it's getting a little out of hand when a car bomb was let loose no more than 7 miles from the Texas boarder. I can't say I know more, I know bits and pieces from people in the intel business. Some of this is spilling over from our involvement during the 80's in Columbia. The overall scheme of things boils down to money. Money buys all, especially in south America. Lord knows, you have enough money, you can take/obtain power by force. The recent spur of violence can be attributed to the training at the School Of the Americas. It's being filtered down even further into the street gangs of America too. Like most I don't have an understanding as to why we haven't stopped some of this by force.

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Like most I don't have an understanding as to why we haven't stopped some of this by force.


I have a fairly progressive opinion and that's to legalize drugs in the US. Some may disagree, but ironically, those folks and me agree that the "use of drugs" is bad. The reason I want to legalize it is to gain control and power without violence.


By legalizing all the hard drugs coming in from Mexico, we control the product thus the costs, thus ruling out their profits. Drug Cartels can't do shit without revenue. Selling drugs does no good when there are no customers and customers have no need to buy illegally.


Not only would we then control revenue, but quality and safety of the product and we would also know who is using. Nothing is 100%, but believe, me, if 10,000 people in Columbus are buying drugs today, if 7,000 of them are doing so under watch, at least we then would know who is using, what they are using, how much and what quality products are being used. The other 3,000 will always exist.


Keeping it illegal isn't stopping the situation and making it legal isn't necessarily going to increase drug usage or even experimentation. Hell, look at cigarettes. Kids will try them legally or illegally. So if you can't entirely control their actions, how about at least containing and monitoring them.


Key isn't force. Working hard at anything isn't worth shit. People in life are paid to work smart and get results. Hard work and efforts are what politicians run for office on. Results are what keep them in office. I say, let's go for the money, control and do it in a smarter way. It's very evident that what we've been doing for years isn't working and the price to do so is very high. To win the game you have to change the rules. It's time we change the rules and steer the game in our favor. Wars don't always have to start with weapons.

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Who else thinks the US needs to fucking just nuke the Drug Cartel assholes in Mexico ?


and 6 posts later...


Key isn't force. Working hard at anything isn't worth shit. People in life are paid to work smart and get results. Hard work and efforts are what politicians run for office on. Results are what keep them in office. I say, let's go for the money, control and do it in a smarter way. It's very evident that what we've been doing for years isn't working and the price to do so is very high. To win the game you have to change the rules. It's time we change the rules and steer the game in our favor. Wars don't always have to start with weapons.



Speaking of politicians.... :)

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Bullshit. Have u ever seen Arabic women in porn? Very beautiful and willing to do things that would make a dog sick


Arabic chics are hot. Both of my brother said the most beautiful women they have ever seen in their lives were in Iraq...

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I have a fairly progressive opinion and that's to legalize drugs in the US. Some may disagree, but ironically, those folks and me agree that the "use of drugs" is bad. The reason I want to legalize it is to gain control and power without violence.


By legalizing all the hard drugs coming in from Mexico, we control the product thus the costs, thus ruling out their profits. Drug Cartels can't do shit without revenue. Selling drugs does no good when there are no customers and customers have no need to buy illegally.


Not only would we then control revenue, but quality and safety of the product and we would also know who is using. Nothing is 100%, but believe, me, if 10,000 people in Columbus are buying drugs today, if 7,000 of them are doing so under watch, at least we then would know who is using, what they are using, how much and what quality products are being used. The other 3,000 will always exist.

I agree 100% on this. Gen. Barry McCaffrey seemed to almost waver a few times understanding it's an uphill battle. As he said, it starts at the kitchen table with parents and their children. If we take charge of it from a legal stand point, a lot could change. Those boys down south of the boarder are only becoming more violent and brazen with their operations. It has gotten to the point where Gen. McCaffrey (RET.) believes it is a significant security threat to the United States, and it is. I've stayed somewhat up to date reading http://smallwarsjournal.com/





Key isn't force. Working hard at anything isn't worth shit. People in life are paid to work smart and get results. Hard work and efforts are what politicians run for office on. Results are what keep them in office. I say, let's go for the money, control and do it in a smarter way. It's very evident that what we've been doing for years isn't working and the price to do so is very high. To win the game you have to change the rules. It's time we change the rules and steer the game in our favor. Wars don't always have to start with weapons.

"the drug cartels cannot defeat the government through direct violent confrontation."

That same sentiment has been shared pertaining to the Cartel/Zetas themselves in their battles with the Mexican government. Too bad they won't follow it unfortunately. Being there's about 8 or so Cartels running around, I see everyone having a hell of a time with putting a lid on things. For instance, here's something recent:


Read more: Local, Crime, Six Killed, Gunbattle, SEDENA, Mexican Army, David Hartley, Tiffany Hartley, Henry Cuellar, Falcon Lake, Guerrero Viejo, Barriales, Tamaulipas, Zapata, Zapata County, Rio Grande Valley, Texas, Mexico



While three congressmen held a Thursday afternoon press conference about border security, Mexican soldiers were engaged in a gun battle that left six people dead on the other side of the Rio Grande.


Mexico's Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) is reporting that the gun battle in the same area being searched for the body of missing American David Hartley.


The SEDENA reported that the battle took place near the rural town of Barriales around 3 p.m. Thursday.


Army officials said that a military aircraft was performing aerial reconnaissance work in the area when pilots spotted a suspicious truck hiding in the brush.


The military aircraft went down for a closer look but came under fire.


The SEDENA reported that Mexican soldiers returned fire and killed six men who were protecting some kind of clandestine construction project.


Authorities also reported that a Mexican soldier was also wounded in the battle.


Mexican soldiers reporting seizing ammunition and the following other items:


- 7 Assault Rifles

- 38 clips

- 1 Rocket Launcher

- 1 Dodge Ram Truck


Barriales is located near the ruins of Guerrero Viejo, a Spanish colonial town that is seasonally flooded by waters from Falcon Lake.


They came to party :eek:

This is all the more reason a smarter solution should be emplaced. Granted Uncle Sugar can always hire a few free agents to go play ball, but in the end money talks, and moves mountains.


-This could also have a small implication to the drug trade and why we don't want to step on toes, Mexico is #3 on our oil importing list. I got some figure of 1.2 Million barrels were imported from Mexico in Oct 08 for instance.


Just my $.02 on the matter.

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And this whole time I thought nuke was short for nuclear weapon. I guess now it also means legalizing drugs.


:bs:if you literally thought I meant to drop a nuclear weapon on them, you would have called me out for causing collateral damage to the US citizens. If not, I'm calling you out as dumb for not doing so.

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Tim, my initial comment was meant to be light hearted. In defense of Jesse, he's probably just being a smartass (maybe). Additionaly, It seems that at least once a month on this site someone suggests that we just "Nuke the whole middle east", and I'm fairly certain that while they may not "actually" be recommending that we drop nuclear weapons on those folks, they probably aren't using that as a euphamism for a mostly peaceful solution, either.
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Tim, my initial comment was meant to be light hearted. In defense of Jesse, he's probably just being a smartass (maybe). Additionaly, It seems that at least once a month on this site someone suggests that we just "Nuke the whole middle east", and I'm fairly certain that while they may not "actually" be recommending that we drop nuclear weapons on those folks, they probably aren't using that as a euphamism for a mostly peaceful solution, either.


No worries. I'm busting balls at work today and keeping the adrenaline flowing :cool:

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I have a fairly progressive opinion and that's to legalize drugs in the US. Some may disagree, but ironically, those folks and me agree that the "use of drugs" is bad. The reason I want to legalize it is to gain control and power without violence.


By legalizing all the hard drugs coming in from Mexico, we control the product thus the costs, thus ruling out their profits. Drug Cartels can't do shit without revenue. Selling drugs does no good when there are no customers and customers have no need to buy illegally.


Not only would we then control revenue, but quality and safety of the product and we would also know who is using. Nothing is 100%, but believe, me, if 10,000 people in Columbus are buying drugs today, if 7,000 of them are doing so under watch, at least we then would know who is using, what they are using, how much and what quality products are being used. The other 3,000 will always exist.


Keeping it illegal isn't stopping the situation and making it legal isn't necessarily going to increase drug usage or even experimentation. Hell, look at cigarettes. Kids will try them legally or illegally. So if you can't entirely control their actions, how about at least containing and monitoring them.


Key isn't force. Working hard at anything isn't worth shit. People in life are paid to work smart and get results. Hard work and efforts are what politicians run for office on. Results are what keep them in office. I say, let's go for the money, control and do it in a smarter way. It's very evident that what we've been doing for years isn't working and the price to do so is very high. To win the game you have to change the rules. It's time we change the rules and steer the game in our favor. Wars don't always have to start with weapons.



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I got fucked out of funding for the National Guard due to our god damn Commie govt trying to legalize all aliens. How you ask.. By making anyone in the USA that is 16 or younger a legal citizen. Now who would take care of them, there birth parents.. who prob bought them here... so now they can become a citizen. Oh and we will pay for all this.



You know what!? I am going to sneak out of the us and Sneak back in under another name. Ill prob get better aid from the POS government then.

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