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The New 'Medal of Honor'


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It came out that it wasn't going to be sold on post or any AAFESS Exchange on any military post due to the overwhelming realism. I went ahead and went off post and snagged a copy.


I am now an hour or so into it and I must say, way to go EA. I know the game was designed with the help of ODA and other groups of the military. It is extremely real and the graphics are insane. Also I am playing it on a little government shitty 32" tube tv and it is amazing.


I recommend.

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Worst thing about online is spawn deaths, it's so easy for someone to aim on a spawn location and just kill everyone as soon as they spawn. They need to fix that shit.


Agreed. I keep getting picked off and I never know from where. I kind of wish there was a kill cam so i can see where the shot came from. I do hate the mortor thing though...get 50 pts before you can have it and you cant aim it for shit.

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Agreed. I keep getting picked off and I never know from where. I kind of wish there was a kill cam so i can see where the shot came from. I do hate the mortor thing though...get 50 pts before you can have it and you cant aim it for shit.


Yeah I really miss having a killcam, and the mortar thing also needs improvement I agree. I also don't get the explosives (noob tubes, grenades, RPGs etc) they seem under powered, sometimes I'll be right on someone and it doesnt kill them.

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Kill cams are for noobs. Hardcore is where it's at.


Love me some BC:2. I may have to check this out.


Is there no squad setup in this game? Therefore, no spawning on your squadmates?


Nope thats why the kill cam helps because you dont ever see who or where the kill came form when they camp the spawn. it sucks lol...nothing you can do.

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It's weird though because sometimes I'll spawn behind dudes, other times it will be at the predetermined spawn points. I think it depends on the game mode you play, but theres no way of choosing if you want to spawn at the base or if you want to spawn behind a squad member.
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