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Go vote!


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I talked so much shit about this election and how I wanted to vote out Strickland and I got stuck at work and didnt get a chance to even vote. SO DISAPOINTED.


Aren't the polls open for awhile? What time do you get off work? I thought they were open until 7:00.

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I think in the end it doesn't matter because they are dead and the point is I live in a country where if my options are douchebag 1 and douchebag 2 I can choose to say they are both peices of crap and I'm not going to vote for any of them.


Some peoples response to that is write someone in or vote for joe schmo and my response to that is, it is completely pointless to vote for someone who has no chance of winning because...THEY WON'T WIN. Therefore, that would be a waste of my time and effort I could better spend doing something I feel is less of a waste of time and effort.


If people want to vote and it makes them feel better about themselves, go right ahead. I just don't understand why the same people feel the need to chastise me, who feels fine sitting back and enjoying the ride.



I am all fine for anyone who feels the same way you do and wish to sit back and enjoy the ride on the condition that you never ever ever ever make any statement regarding how things are being run and the effects that go along with them. Its not free to live in this country people there is always work to be done. we have been convince that politicians are some how doing us a favor when in fact we are the shareholders. I have never seen a businees that allows its employees more money and better benefits than the business owners. Things are screwed up right now and we need adults to step up and help change things. I dont vote for any professional politician I write in my choices.

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I am all fine for anyone who feels the same way you do and wish to sit back and enjoy the ride on the condition that you never ever ever ever make any statement regarding how things are being run and the effects that go along with them. Its not free to live in this country people there is always work to be done. we have been convince that politicians are some how doing us a favor when in fact we are the shareholders. I have never seen a businees that allows its employees more money and better benefits than the business owners. Things are screwed up right now and we need adults to step up and help change things. I dont vote for any professional politician I write in my choices.

If I could vote for "None of the Above" I would have. The best thing I can do with my vote is keep it from helping a crook get into office. I don't see the point in voting for someone just so I can complain about them later. Get some better choices, and you'll see more turnout.

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The fact is if you do not vote you do not have the right to bitch, and yes I voted.


Really...can you show me which law states that is a right I do not have? I believe that is an opinion of yours...not a fact.

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Really...can you show me which law states that is a right I do not have? I believe that is an opinion of yours...not a fact.


Opinion,Fact,Statement or just whatever you know what I mean. Ofcourse everyone has the right to express their 1st amendment but why give input one way or another if you have not contributed to the voting process. Just does not make sense to complain about something that you have not tried to change. You are right though it is not a law.

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techincally the NRA endorsed both Strickland AND Kasich, but gave Strickland a higher recommendation b/c he never backed a complete ban on assault rifles and Kasich did.


No, the NRA endorsed Strickland. He had their ILA recommendation. Trust me, it was in my voter guide from them.


Strickland was the gun friendly vote, so was Cordray

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Opinion,Fact,Statement or just whatever you know what I mean. Ofcourse everyone has the right to express their 1st amendment but why give input one way or another if you have not contributed to the voting process. Just does not make sense to complain about something that you have not tried to change. You are right though it is not a law.


Yea... just wanted to make sure I read this right.

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A message was sent Nationally and from Ohio straight to Washington!


And Pelosi......GTFO!


Kasich had a B rating by the NRA not a big deal.



And I agree, if you don't vote you give up your right to bitch. No employer can deny you the time off to go vote. Polls are open for over 12hrs. If that means getting your lazy ass outta bed 30 min earlier that's what you do if you what your voice to be heard.

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A message was sent Nationally and from Ohio straight to Washington!


And Pelosi......GTFO!


Kasich had a B rating by the NRA not a big deal.



And I agree, if you don't vote you give up your right to bitch. No employer can deny you the time off to go vote. Polls are open for over 12hrs. If that means getting your lazy ass outta bed 30 min earlier that's what you do if you what your voice to be heard.



OK ok, I voted fore "none of the above." Does that count?

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The fact is if you do not vote you do not have the right to bitch, and yes I voted.


And I agree, if you don't vote you give up your right to bitch.


If you don't coach the Buckeyes you give up your right to bitch about how they play.


If you don't work for an auto manufacturer you give up your right to bitch about whether or not the "good cars" are brought to America.


If you're not a DS in a school system you give up your right to bitch about the education problems in our country.


If you don't bake the donuts you give up the right to bitch about how there is never enough cream in them.


If you don't work for the bank you give up the right to bitch about their rates.


If you don't work for Exxon you give up the right to bitch about gas prices.


If you don't pave the roads you give up the right to bitch about potholes.


If you don't manage Nickelback you give up the right to bitch about how terrible they are.


If you don't pay for CR you give up the right to bitch about it being better.


Oh wait...this is America. You have the right to bitch about anything at anytime no matter your level of involvement. I almost forgot. My bad.

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If you don't coach the Buckeyes you give up your right to bitch about how they play.


If you don't work for an auto manufacturer you give up your right to bitch about whether or not the "good cars" are brought to America.


If you're not a DS in a school system you give up your right to bitch about the education problems in our country.


If you don't bake the donuts you give up the right to bitch about how there is never enough cream in them.


If you don't work for the bank you give up the right to bitch about their rates.


If you don't work for Exxon you give up the right to bitch about gas prices.


If you don't pave the roads you give up the right to bitch about potholes.


If you don't manage Nickelback you give up the right to bitch about how terrible they are.


If you don't pay for CR you give up the right to bitch about it being better.


Oh wait...this is America. You have the right to bitch about anything at anytime no matter your level of involvement. I almost forgot. My bad.


I'm not sure if this falls under the category of false inference or false syllogism, but either way it's wrong.


I understand what you're trying to say; I think your logic is slightly flawed.


I also agree, you have the right to say whatever you like in this country. I also have the right to point out your flawed ideas and arguments, and call someone an idiot if they decide not to vote.


For all of you who say voting doesn't matter, take a look at California and the dumb shit that is made into laws over there. Ask yourself if the people voting in California made a difference there. You have no idea how huge it can be.

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I'm not sure if this falls under the category of false inference or false syllogism, but either way it's wrong.


That's an opinion.


I understand what you're trying to say; I think your logic is slightly flawed.


That's an opinion.


I also have the right to point out your flawed ideas and arguments, and call someone an idiot if they decide not to vote.


That's an opinion.


For all of you who say voting doesn't matter, take a look at California and the dumb shit that is made into laws over there. Ask yourself if the people voting in California made a difference there. You have no idea how huge it can be.


Who said it didn't matter? Those that didn't vote stated they didn't because they didn't believe in any candidate and didn't feel comfortable voting in a moron just because he was the lesser of 2 evils. To me this makes more sense than voting for someone jsut because you were raised Rep/Dem or because everyone else does.


I'd rather someone not vote if they didn't truly back a candidate than vote blindly as 80% of the people do just to "get their right to bitch". Give me someone with the balls to call out the BS and not vote than someone with the lack of common sense to vote for the person they hate the least.


FYI, I voted. Not because I felt I had too or b/c of Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson, but because I do believe that who I voted for was the right choice. I will NOT vote for someone solely b/c "the other guy is bad" though. Never have, never will.


I understand my last point didn't sit well with you. I basically said, "You guys are wrong. We don't have to vote if we don't want to. We still get to bitch because we're free and there is nothing you can do about it" and those that plaster signs all over their yard feel otherwise.


America: Land of the free...unless we don't agree with you.

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The fact is if you do not vote you do not have the right to bitch, and yes I voted.


I have the right to bitch that they didn't give me any good options to vote for.


Actually if you want to really get down to brass tacks here, I have the right to bitch about my government by virtue of being a US citizen. It's one of the ideals that our country was founded on. But feel free to have a different opinion. That's another right that's allowed in this country.

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