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Just beat the single player campaign. The story was actually pretty fucking awesome, way better than I was expecting because of the debbie downers in this thread. I love me a good cold war story.


Will start multiplayer tomorrow.


Hahaha I JUST beat it too. Totally called the ending even before you got to the pentagon for the first time at the very beginning. I just thought it would be an actual level to one-up "No Russian."

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Played it yesterday and made 1st SGT. The online play is too much for memto write about on here. There's good and bad, but at this point I was hoping for much better. Takes some time to work with the differences from MW2, but over all its fun play.


Played the campaign a little yesterday too. Mini gun needs to be on my side like a 1911. That thing was fuuuuun. Rolling around camp in the back of a jeep shootig an anti tank rocket, should have been better and longer. Still fun though.

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Got the game this afternoon. but god dam it takes forever to get ina. Game. I've spent more time trying to get into a game then actually playing...

yes it sucks, I actually backed out the first night with Anthony because I thought my xbox was screwed up. I have waited almost 40 ins to get an entire party dropped in together.

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I found a much quicker way to get into games. But I'm not telling Jason since he left thinking it was my fault he couldn't get into a match :p

I thought it was mine. I have been resetting my router over and over in an attempt to fix it. I play with one guy who is almost ready to prestige for the second time. Someoen is playing it way to much.

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You have many more hours into it than I do at this point :)


Although my K/D went waaayyy up in a day after learning the maps. Went from a .57 to a 1.07 :) I love my Galil and LAW :D


Ghost Pro helps quite a bit, and I unlocked Warlord Pro last night.

I have only played it 3 times. The first night and 2 other nights. Josh plays it sometimes since I only bought one this time.

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