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"Am I the only one?"


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Just now at dinner, my 3 year old asked, "Daddy, am I the only Cameron in the world?"


I said no, there are a lot of people named Cameron.


He said, "no, not NAMED me, but another me?"


You guys ever wonder that among the billions of people, if there is someone else with nearly the same "inner voice" and thoughts as yourself? Wouldn't it be badass if there was technology someday to experience someone else's thoughts EXACTLY as they do?


Sorry for the randomness.

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Just now at dinner, my 3 year old asked, "Daddy, am I the only Cameron in the world?"


I said no, there are a lot of people named Cameron.


He said, "no, not NAMED me, but another me?"


You guys ever wonder that among the billions of people, if there is someone else with nearly the same "inner voice" and thoughts as yourself? Wouldn't it be badass if there was technology someday to experience someone else's thoughts EXACTLY as they do?


Sorry for the randomness.


Sure. Lot's of LSD shared among close friends. ;)

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you, or him rather, could be living in an alternative universe doing the exact same thing at the exact same time somewhere. meh.


i started to type this exact thing earlier, then thought, "fuck, if i post this, im gonna sound like a retard"...lol...glad you did it for me...HAHA.


i do wonder this ALL THE TIME though. ill sit there like, am i doing this and controlling someone in an alternate universe, or are they doing it and controlling me?...it fucks with my head all the time


but im sure NatGeo and all the universe shows dont help it at all. lol

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Just now at dinner, my 3 year old asked, "Daddy, am I the only Cameron in the world?"


I said no, there are a lot of people named Cameron.


He said, "no, not NAMED me, but another me?"


You guys ever wonder that among the billions of people, if there is someone else with nearly the same "inner voice" and thoughts as yourself? Wouldn't it be badass if there was technology someday to experience someone else's thoughts EXACTLY as they do?


Sorry for the randomness.


Isn't it awesome how simplistic but yet decidedly genius a kid's mind can be at times?


My stepdaughter - who is four years old - said something the other night at the dinner table that had my wife and I laughing. Somehow, we started talking about honey, like the stuff bees make, and how it's manufactured and sold and so forth.


My wife says: "It's kind of weird that the bees make all that honey and then we just go in take it from them and then put it in the store to sell it."


With all confidence, my stepdaughter asserts: "Well, we don't take it from them, but someone else does and then they put it in the store." Apparently, she interpretered my wife to mean that, quite literally, we (i.e., my wife, my stepdaugther, and I) go out and take the honey and put it in stores for people, which, of course, was decidedly incorrect. My wife and I looked at each other, shrugged in knowing she was absolutely right, and laughed.


Then I locked my stepdaughter in a closet for three days for being insolent. However, that's besides the point. Kids are sometimes awesome in what they think.

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i do wonder this ALL THE TIME though. ill sit there like, am i doing this and controlling someone in an alternate universe, or are they doing it and controlling me?...it fucks with my head all the time



I used to take two mirrors, one in front of me and one behind...angle them correctly, and you can look at an infinite series of diminishing reflections of yourself. I always felt that way off in the distance of that series there is one reflection of myself making faces back at me....


When I was 4, Mom had to drag me away from the mirror once...I was scared that if I went away, my reflection would disappear FOREVER...but what if I was the REFLECTION? Would I disappear if the other me went away?

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