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Metalworking Schools in Columbus/Delaware?


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I've taken an interest in metalworking and would like to go through some formal training in all aspects of metalworking. Specifically, I'd very much like to lean to use a mill by hand as well as CNC and the same with the lathe. The problem is that this seems to not be a fit trade for an American anymore, so no one teaches it. Every voc-tech, adult education, whatever type school I've called has told me they've shut down everything except their auto repair and IT programs.


Does anyone know of any place in Delaware or Franklin (or even something close) counties?

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Kind of funny that I see this pop up. I graduated from eastlands machine trades program in 93 and it got dumped in 95 I think. I have always wondered what they did with the equipment. As far as the other tech schools it would not surprise me if they dumped there programs as well.


When they would have tours for enrollment back then I remember most kids did not want to run old machines and were scared of all the math involved. Sad, very sad. After being in this trade for 18 years if I could do it over again I would probably do something else. I am fortunate to have a really good job that pays very well and is with a great company but there is limitations.


If you just want to learn as a hobbyist I can understand as it is neat to do your own work when you want to. Have you tried calling Columbus state? Do you have equipment now?



Here is something I found quickly at OSU website when I typed machining into there search function


http://nsmwww.eng.ohio-state.edu/Machining_2_Lab_Presentation.ppt#336,3,Introduction to milling

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It's not exactly what you're talking about, but we offer an adult education welding class at my school. We're just across the border in Madison county on 42 south of Plain City. The class is normally 3 evenings a week for maybe 4 weeks. Bill covers stick and MIG welding mostly, but will also do TIG welding. I spent most of my time in the class with the MIG welder because I figured that is what I would end up using most. But I've been debating on taking the class again and trying out TIG welding. As part of the class we ended up using some of the other tools in the shop, plasma cutter, bandsaw, punch, etc... If anyone is interested I'll post the information. The class is a few hundred to take, but if you keep busy you will burn up a lot of materials, wire, gas, etc... If anyone is interested I'll get the details for the next class and post them up.
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I've taken the adult-ed welding class at Delaware County CC and enjoyed it.


I'm looking to do this 60% as a hobby 40% as a skill to market. There's a lot of things I'd like to make and I love working with metal. People also come around asking for me to make them some custom parts and I'd like to be able to do that.

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