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What kind of mac are you using. Mine was light as shit. Yeah if your packing around the 17 inch model it's heaver but still. Even the 15 inch is still one of the lightest laptops in its class.


I was talking about a desktop...I don't know what model it is, we just use it to test things on. I hate moving it, I hate using it...it's a pain in the dick just like any mac product. Not to mention overpriced as shit.

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What kind of mac are you using. Mine was light as shit. Yeah if your packing around the 17 inch model it's heaver but still. Even the 15 inch is still one of the lightest laptops in its class.


I have never seen a white Mac pro either. And who the fuck cares how heavy a desktop is?

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Debatable. Pretty close to the same price for any comparably built machine out of the box. Sure you can build for cheaper but I'm talking out of the box with software included.



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I just don't know how I make it through the day on my Macs, I mean fuck with what I read on here the thing should never turn on, or run, or even be useable at all. I must be a genius to get the thing to work for me flawlessly and never need maintenance besides OS updates to give me more features and compatibility with other Apple devices.


As for the price, Audi isn't overpriced? Couldn't have bought a VW? Again it's preference and value. I don't think my macs were over priced at all. It all boils down to pure Hatred.


The above is wrong, you cannot run OSX on any PC, OSX does not use Bios. In fact some PCs are abandoning Bios too. Hmmmmmm

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I just don't know how I make it through the day on my Macs, I mean fuck with what I read on here the thing should never turn on, or run, or even be useable at all. I must be a genius to get the thing to work for me flawlessly and never need maintenance besides OS updates to give me more features and compatibility with other Apple devices.


As for the price, Audi isn't overpriced? Couldn't have bought a VW? Again it's preference and value. I don't think my macs were over priced at all. It all boils down to pure Hatred.


The above is wrong, you cannot run OSX on any PC, OSX does not use Bios. In fact some PCs are abandoning Bios too. Hmmmmmm


You can run OS X on some x86 machines. I know because I used to have a running hackintosh.

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Again I must be a genius to be able to make it through a day using a Mac, it's impossible!


Looks like prefrontal cortex damage will cure what ails you.




patients with damage specifically involving ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPC), an area important for emotion, did not demonstrate the normal preference bias when exposed to brand information.
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This is my desktop PC, according to my "system properties"


Intel Pentium 4 1600 MHz, 1.50 GHz, 512 MB of RAM, Windows XP 2002


I barely know what that shit means, but it has run flawless for the past 8 years. I have never had to replace or upgrade anything, and it isn't slow, despite having several programs, games, and thousands of mp3 files. Not including the monitor, I think I have about $100 invested into the entire build of the computer (it was 8 years ago so I can't remember exactly).


All the Macs I have used in the past were annoying hunks of garbage, but to be fair, I haven't had a significant amount of exposure to one for several years. From what I've seen their newer laptops are ok, but I can't understand why anyone would pay $3k for a MacBook Pro. Does the thing suck you off while you're using it? It's a fucking computer; why anyone would spend that much is beyond me.

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t I can't understand why anyone would pay $3k for a MacBook Pro.





best computer iv owned, i can literarily open my mac pro and be on the internetz in seconds and the batterie last all day in school. Only downfall is not being able to game on it.

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