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5 questions with Paul


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This latest installment of "5 questions with" features an interview with Paul aka ShadowCock.


1. Jesus titty fucking christ, where do I begin. How many vehicles have you owned in your life? Count all motorcycles, pit bikes, cars, etc, and round to the nearest tens column.


2. If you had to be one animal, what would it be and why?


3. What is the loudest you have ever made a woman queef? Round the decible measure to the nearest tenth of a decible.


4. If you had one day as an administrator on this site, how long would the site last before it crashed and burned? Also please site one member who you would ban.


5. How are you feeling today?

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This latest installment of "5 questions with" features an interview with Paul aka ShadowCock.


1. Jesus titty fucking christ, where do I begin. How many vehicles have you owned in your life? Count all motorcycles, pit bikes, cars, etc, and round to the nearest tens column.


2. If you had to be one animal, what would it be and why?


3. What is the loudest you have ever made a woman queef? Round the decible measure to the nearest tenth of a decible.


4. If you had one day as an administrator on this site, how long would the site last before it crashed and burned? Also please site one member who you would ban.


5. How are you feeling today?


I alreeady answered looks like it got deleted in the douvchebag posts.


1) idk I've had many cars bikes tyoys dirt an water. Far north of 20 easily :bangbang:


2) I would take a penguin. Why you ask? Because no one has a pet pone its rare haha plus they have a tuxedo look to them... so if I wore a tuxedo t-shirt we could match bad asssss :lol:


3)I don't know ona. Scale but it was so loud it broke a wine glass... it was E P I C


4) not sure why the site would close or burn down if I was a mod so I won't answer. But if I had to ban anyone I would ban "killjoy" he might be the worlds biggest piece of shit.


5) I am doing well, my feet hurt from work but overall well. Thank you for asking my good sir, how are you?



Response to hal

I almost feel special u haven't posted on cr in months an you only come back to post about me :D miss you hal o sexy.


Anyone else have any questions?

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What would be wrong with that?

I have sex with my wife while looking at the woman on QVC.

QVC is the main reason Joe (nitrousbird) wants a new TV for his bedroom.


I will agree with your logic in this case, very good points.


But ArmyOfFail jerks off to the ponytail guy selling exercise equipment or the creepy pedo guy with the hat and guitar.

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Enough of the Paul's sister shit. Ban next time, he's asked hundreds of times to quit the shit.



I am the originator of the "Paul's Sister Shit". When it originated, it was brought on as regular joking and funning around. At that time, no one really knew how upset Paul would become. We just found out it was one of hit (buttons). Yes, many of us used this to jab at him, and it was fun, for a while. However, it has become quite clear that it is a topic of contention with Paul, and will only bring about him raging on whoever mentions it.


With that being said, Paul, I am sorry for first mentioning any comments about your Sister, and the onslaught of comments from others. I openly apologize for any drama I created by starting this.



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... jerks off to the ponytail guy selling exercise equipment or the creepy pedo guy with the hat and guitar.


I know right ... lol ... who would fucking do that ? AMIRITE ? Hehe ... (arms up, backing away from thread slowly)

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the ponytail guy selling exercise equipment or the creepy pedo guy with the hat and guitar.


I know right ... lol ... who would fucking do that ? AMIRITE ? Hehe ... (arms up, backing away from thread slowly)


What IS scary for me is that he actualy KNOWS what some of the people on QVC look like.

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I am the originator of the "Paul's Sister Shit". When it originated, it was brought on as regular joking and funning around. At that time, no one really knew how upset Paul would become. We just found out it was one of hit (buttons). Yes, many of us used this to jab at him, and it was fun, for a while. However, it has become quite clear that it is a topic of contention with Paul, and will only bring about him raging on whoever mentions it.


With that being said, Paul, I am sorry for first mentioning any comments about your Sister, and the onslaught of comments from others. I openly apologize for any drama I created by starting this.




well if you are a big enough man to apologize then I will. Sorry for bringing up your sister PAUL. it was all in good fun and wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

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Sorry for bringing up your sister PAUL. it was all in good fun and wasn't meant to be taken seriously.



Well if that don't make you feel all warm deep in your loins than you are a more stoic man than I.



Quick, someone lip-chomp on my balls.

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Phil is just a post pubescant, hormone raging, bag of virgin that talks a big game, but ends up going home to a bunch of left hand shame night after night.














P.S. I love you phil.....























even if you are a


































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