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3 missing found


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havent seen it mention here yet?



cant believe this stuff goes on, this is 5 mins from my house where they found the girl and 25 yards from my brothers house he owns which i was just over there the night b4 they busted into home to find girl.... creepy feeling


Mount Vernon consumed by search for missing people (video) | coshoctontribune.com | Coshocton Tribune



they found them tho, sucks it didnt come with a better outcome the family did get lil bit more closure on it than most ppl get now adays, prayers are with the family an really with the lil girl god knows this will be a rough road for her



Bodies found in Ohio near where 3 missing lived | NewsFirst5.com | Colorado Springs | Pueblo |

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there was rumor ppl were tryin to put together money for his bond, until they set it to no cash payments or something..... i say public hanging get it back to old school ways maybe the next person to think of this kind of morbid shit would think twice?......


is it me or he had to prethink this and know of a hollow tree to go stash the bodies in the dark? crazy

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there was rumor ppl were tryin to put together money for his bond, until they set it to no cash payments or something..... i say public hanging get it back to old school ways maybe the next person to think of this kind of morbid shit would think twice?......


is it me or he had to prethink this and know of a hollow tree to go stash the bodies in the dark? crazy


Hopefully to bond him out then beat him to death, slowly.

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I hope they confirm that its the idiot they already have and give him the death penalty. Anybody who kills 3 people and disposes of them in trash bags should be put to death.


they need to change the death penalty rules because I'm sick of my tax dollars feeding these fucking pukes and letting them watch free cable etc...for the next 25+ years, the death penalty needs to be changed to instantly, the min they're convicted they leave the court house get into the van for transportation and "POP" in the back of the head, straight to the morgue

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Sweet. I took pics of a hollow tree just the other day we can jam him into. However, you guys are being too lenient. We gotta break his arms and legs and then jam him all into the hollow tree so he wedges while still alive... Then you leave him there.





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why waite to do it in back of a van? once ruling comes in, bam convicted walks outside get into a ditch an let 10 ppl fling lead towards convicted..... have a channel on tv devoted to airing it 24 hrs a day so ppl know what happens to ppl who mess up other ppl lives


I would never leave the house, my ass would be planted on the couch 24/7 watching that on t.v.

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i know, maybe this countries crime rate with theft and murder an so on would go down if it was an eye for an eye....... an the whole taking of a eye was put on tv for whole world to see, every state could get on it an have airing times set up to do their public "stonings " or what have you..... of course it would be passworded channel so kids couldnt see it unless their parents wanted them to...


oh there wouldnt be any adds or comercials ran on this channel



side note- hearin reports on news now guy actually killed the victims dog and stuffed it in tree also? wtf would think of to do that?

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is it me or would nt a person have to have a tree picked out already for such a thing? like he pre thought this out?




Sweet. I took pics of a hollow tree just the other day we can jam him into. However, you guys are being too lenient. We gotta break his arms and legs and then jam him all into the hollow tree so he wedges while still alive... Then you leave him there.





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i know, maybe this countries crime rate with theft and murder an so on would go down if it was an eye for an eye....... an the whole taking of a eye was put on tv for whole world to see, every state could get on it an have airing times set up to do their public "stonings " or what have you..... of course it would be passworded channel so kids couldnt see it unless their parents wanted them to...oh there wouldnt be any adds or comercials ran on this channel


We don't even need all that. Just exterminate people like this period. Fuck the rules and gray matter on cases so cut-dry and clearly proven. If this guy is found pretty much dead on like the two fucks in Connecticut, we sure as hell don't need to waste time and money with trials. Bullet to brain, cremation and fertilizer for the pigs. /end of story. He's not what I would call "human" so end him like we would a deranged dog.


This country and it's people waste too much time worrying about the rights of a few and waste entirely too much time on trying to rehabilitate people that are not worth it to the greater good of the rest of us. You can't "fix" a murderer, rapist or child molester. Immediate death and move on is the best thing. There will always be casualties, I'm sorry. Shit happens and it's for the greater good.


That dude in Columbus with the collecting piss fetish....bullet to his brain, cremation and fertilizer. Sorry, he's not even worth a news story. My news story there would be "folks, we found this sick fuck and he's no longer walking among you. My condolences to his famliy, but it's for the best. That's your tax dollars at work. Happy Thanksgiving." I for one would vote that decision maker in office again.


This fuck in Mt Vernon burned down a $2M apartment building in his past. I don't need to hear his circumstances or details. He shouldn't be walking and breathing air on earth. I know about 25 others (the victims family and friends) that would agree. I bet a few thousand strangers too. Good enough for me. /end him.

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they need to change the death penalty rules because I'm sick of my tax dollars feeding these fucking pukes and letting them watch free cable etc...for the next 25+ years, the death penalty needs to be changed to instantly, the min they're convicted they leave the court house get into the van for transportation and "POP" in the back of the head, straight to the morgue


While this is extreme, I am deffinatly in for an express lane. Give them an opportunity for appeal, and bang, zap, dead.

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