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Why does everyone hate Obama, Pelosi, and Reid?


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I hate him because my dad makes less money cause of him, thus less cool toys for me. Seems like a pretty good reason to not like him. Come to the top 5% tax bracket and tell me how much you love Obama and his people. Until then, keep cranking out babies with your girlfriend and collect my dads taxes to feed them.


That stir it up a bit ya gayboy?


You say funny stuff sometimes, but mostly you just come off as a douche who thinks more of himself than he should.

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You say funny stuff sometimes, but mostly you just come off as a douche who thinks more of himself than he should.


Lol I lobe you little guy


For the most part I think its funny to make Obama fans all pissy. I mean 10% of my post. Everyone on this site just likes to piss each other off. The best way to do that is to play the trust fund baby douche face fag lol I think it's hilarious.

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I hate him because my dad makes less money cause of him, thus less cool toys for me. Seems like a pretty good reason to not like him. Come to the top 5% tax bracket and tell me how much you love Obama and his people. Until then, keep cranking out babies with your girlfriend and collect my dads taxes to feed them.


That stir it up a bit ya gayboy?


Has this even happened yet? Last I heard was that Congress has one of 2 options, either let Bush's tax cuts expire, or do something else.

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how about this----



obama (gov't) takes half of my hard earned money, and redistributes it to people who don't deserve it.


obama pushed a bill through that directly affects what i do for a living---pushing me to work harder for less money


i'd say that's just cause to have a strong dislike for someone, wouldn't you??


Obama does not equal "the government" so your argument is already flawed but we can run with it. I don't believe there currently is a 50% tax bracket In the US as it tops out at 35% and this is only if you are making over 300,000 per year so I am not sure that your arguments are based in fact. Could you please elaborate on what bill that Obama pushed through that makes you work harder for less money? I have not heard of such a thing.

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I hate him because my dad makes less money cause of him, thus less cool toys for me. Seems like a pretty good reason to not like him. Come to the top 5% tax bracket and tell me how much you love Obama and his people. Until then, keep cranking out babies with your girlfriend and collect my dads taxes to feed them.


That stir it up a bit ya gayboy?


If your father is in the top 5% then it would seem to me that he should have no problems purchasing toys for you, or a pool, or a summer, and/or winter home. If I was gay than I would not have a GF or babies.....so I do not quite follow your logic.......Why someone would assume that because I am not conservative I MUST be uneducated, live on welfare and have lots of kids is beyond my understanding.

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What do you feel like he hasn't thought through?


Heathcare. He calls it healthcare reform when in fact it should be insurance reform. Healthcare providers are going to be asked to do more for less and the public in general is going to be expected to pay for the dumbass actions of those that are 99% of the problem.


So down the road when your doctor is no longer in practice because of this and you have to instead see Dr. Johnny Workfornothing while waiting in a line behind a redneck with no job, six kids, having a smoke and a beer outside while his fat ass wife eats a candy bar she bought with food stamps, thank Mr. Obama.


I do feel that Obama makes choices for the good of the people in general. This doesn't mean that every decision will help everybody.


His decisions don't help everybody. Most cause the haves to pay for the have-nots. Instead of worrying about us driving electric cars he should concentrate on fixing the fucking education system.


I agree that it doesn't take intelligence to be a great orator as anyone can have a speechwriter but this is why I included in this his reactions and answers to peoples questions on the fly.


So you honestly think the news people that are chosen in the audience are asking on the fly questions he hasn't been prepped for? :rolleyes: Come on, rule #1 is to never get a question you don't know the answer to.


I feel that the US is and will continue to be controlled by big business and this is not something that Obama can or maybe even wants to change. This alone is what is ruining this country, not Obama IMHO.


The dems are the ones that caused companies to go overseas. They opened the doors and encouraged it. Obama and his people hold the power to stop it and encourage our companies to stay within our borders. How about he put some effort to do that instead of taxing them more. Doing so isn't going to do anything but cause more layoffs and other cost saving measures as companies will not sacrifice profits. Tax them more, they will adjust. He instead has to financially encourage them to bring work to the US borders.


How about he do that instead of worrying about how to help or protect illegal aliens who call the US their home. Kick them the fuck out or make them pay like the rest of us and then some. He's way to fucking liberal.


Health care has a high initial cost but will save money in the long run as compared to our previous system. Spending for the better of the economy is not such a bad thing


I'm not buying his logic that we are going to spend our way out of this hell hole economy.


I completely agree there is a great need for government efficiency and if this is something Obama has been pursuing he has not been very vocal about it.


I don't see Obama trying to make gov't more efficient. PLease share his non-vocal interest in doing so. He's making it bigger and getting gov't more involved in areas they shouldn't be in. They can't run their own business, let alone a health care system. I lived in Toronto for nearly 3 years. Once you have and you see the taxes those fucks pay and the care they get in return, you'll better understand why people from all over the world come to the top US Health Care Facilities for surgeries and care. Even the creator of their universal system is now against it. He was even quoted as saying he and the Canadian government thought they could ration health care but now realize the system does not work.

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Lol I lobe you little guy


For the most part I think its funny to make Obama fans all pissy. I mean 10% of my post. Everyone on this site just likes to piss each other off. The best way to do that is to play the trust fund baby douche face fag lol I think it's hilarious.


Touché, I must agree that it is fun, and easy, to piss of liberals. The majority of the Democratic party comes off to me as having loser/apologetic/never sticking to their guns attitude.

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Could you please elaborate on what bill that Obama pushed through that makes you work harder for less money? I have not heard of such a thing.


I'll let Kirk tackle that portion of it as I'd likely type a book on the matter. In fact if you're not familiar with the impact of Obama's plan on how it will affect doctors or you the patient in it's entirety, I don't think I can even begin to school you on the detriments we'll all be facing. It's borderline unimaginable. Seriously.


Someone step in as I'm floored that we have such a lack of understanding present here. Someone shoot me in the head please. Kill me too as I don't want to be treated under Obama's new plan. In the end no one should be the judge of who gets help and who doesn't, especially not the government.

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If your father is in the top 5% then it would seem to me that he should have no problems purchasing toys for you, or a pool, or a summer, and/or winter home. If I was gay than I would not have a GF or babies.....so I do not quite follow your logic.......Why someone would assume that because I am not conservative I MUST be uneducated, live on welfare and have lots of kids is beyond my understanding.


Lol he doesn't. Just stating that he will pay more in taxes if Obama has his way.

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The problem with Obama is that the vocal minority wants him to fail, and are very good at pointing out where government could do better while simultaneously stumping for minimally invasive government.


Just about everything in this country could be improved, especially in comparison with the progress the rest of the world has made, but we as Americans have grown so accustomed to "deserving" everything that we no longer consider personal sacrifice and responsibility a duty to our country. We consider it a burden imposed by an increasingly tyrannical government.


In an ideal world, we'd all have our personal freedoms and would never have to give anything up for it, but living in the U.S. as we do, we do have a responsibility to maintain the welfare not just of our locale or state, but our entire country. The problem comes when our country asks us to do so in the form of taxes, which many consider to be ridiculous because we have a very short-term memory.


The expectation in this country has become that we participate in democratic elections to elect people to take care of our problems for us, instead of electing people who will provide the framework for us to solve our own problems. Why is it the governments' fault that we have 10% unemployment? Is it not the fault of companies who have decided that profitability and duty to shareholders is more important than duty to those who consume their services?


When GM and Chrysler faced tough times, they laid off thousands and cut dealerships left and right while simultaneously begging the government for a loan funded by the same people whose tax dollars were cut off when they were fired from the automakers. When Honda and Toyota faced those same tough times, they closed down production but reassigned workers to tasks that would make the company stronger and better able to serve consumers once their financial woes were solved. This I think is a perfect illustration of the corporate culture of personal responsibility that comes from a Japanese culture that demands it. American culture says that personal responsibility is a right, but it may be waived in favor of doing whatever the fuck you want.

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"communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids"

- Senator Barack Hussein Obama


"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"

- Senator Barack Hussein Obama


"I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

- Senator Barack Hussein Obama


- He took the 2nd largest chunk of money from Fanny and Freddy.


- Google "Abongo "Roy" Obama"


- Or Google his cousin Odingo.


- Why hide his birth certificate?


- http://dontvoteobama.net/Obama%20ties%20to%20Ayres.htm


That's just a drop in the bucket to why I dislike him as a person.


I hate that he and others you ask about in this thread SHOVED bailouts down our throats. I hate the same people for SHOVING health care down our throats. I dislike them for forcing new credit laws onto everyone because Idiots can't read their credit agreements. I despise the overall government for considering making me work several extra years to get MY money back, if at all.




<< This area to expand after I go feed dinner to my children who are going to have to pay for this crap >>


- http://blogs.dailymail.com/donsurber/archives/10427



Meh. I have spent too much time over the months explaining this shit. People need to research for themselves. I have lost count how many people have asked me "what's so bad about him or Dems"? After 10 minutes, their reply is usually, "wow, I didn't know that" or, "I don't follow politics".

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I despise the overall government for considering making me work several extra years to get MY money back, if at all.


This area to expand after I go feed dinner to my children who are going to have to pay for this crap


We'll never see our SS money my friend. I'm 42 and am saddened every time I see money taken from me to feed the system knowing that I'll very, very likely never get any of it back.

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Healthcare reform is a start but it is far from perfect. I do not see how the reforms put in place will in any way lead to "So down the road when your doctor is no longer in practice because of this and you have to instead see Dr. Johnny Workfornothing while waiting in a line behind a redneck with no job, six kids, having a smoke and a beer outside while his fat ass wife eats a candy bar she bought with food stamps, thank Mr. Obama." This is a bit overly dramatic.


Here is the healthcare reform info:




It covers more people and reduces the deficit so I don't see what is so bad about it or how it is going to kill the market. It is hardly Canada's system which is wildly criticized by those who do not understand it/ have access to it. As for the person who introduced medicare to Canada I have never seen anything other than rumors about him refuting it and Canadians seem to revere him.


Companies have been going over seas well before Obama got into office so I don't see how that is his fault, nor the economy in general as it was heading south before he took office. If I remember correctly under the Bush administration companies were given tax credits for moving jobs overseas. The current Democrats are trying to pass a bill that will tax companies that send jobs overseas as opposed to giving them additional tax breaks.


Obama seems to be all about education or at least he talks about it a lot. I have not seen any decent policy surrounding it and I would definitely like to see more focus on education as this is probably the single most important issue we face. I find this as a fault of Obama.


@Nurkvinny I don't even know where to start with this smothering of Fox News propaganda but I will do my best.


"communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids"

- Senator Barack Hussein Obama


This is about 1/8th of the sentence which the entirety is listed below:

Senator Obama: "When communities are terrorized by ICE immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing, when people are detained without access to legal counsel, when all that is happening, the system just isn’t working, and we need to change it."


This does not seem like an unreasonable statement and I would agree with it.


"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"

- Senator Barack Hussein Obama



This link here actually covers a few of these quotes in one swoop:



"I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

- Senator Barack Hussein Obama


- He took the 2nd largest chunk of money from Fanny and Freddy.


This actually depends which info you are looking at but I don't see this as a reason to hate Obama....This is how politics works. Here is the full list.




- Google "Abongo "Roy" Obama"


I have no clue what this has to do with Obama, haha. Everyone has some crazy uncle that is shunned by the family.


- Or Google his cousin Odingo.


See above comment


- Why hide his birth certificate?


This is just silliness here. Chris Mathews held up a copy on the air! He was born in Hawaii dude. Come on.


"Meh. I have spent too much time over the months explaining this shit. People need to research for themselves. I have lost count how many people have asked me "what's so bad about him or Dems"? After 10 minutes, their reply is usually, "wow, I didn't know that" or, "I don't follow politics"."


This statement from someone who has not researched their own quotes? hmmmmm..

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I see copperhead has decided to join us. Where is Scott? I'm sure he would love a piece of this action. I think that social security is a good idea but I would rather see the government encourage people to save money and give some sort of tax credit to those that do as they are providing for their own future.
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Healthcare reform is a start but it is far from perfect. I do not see how the reforms put in place will in any way lead to "So down the road when your doctor is no longer in practice because of this and you have to instead see Dr. Johnny Workfornothing while waiting in a line behind a redneck with no job, six kids, having a smoke and a beer outside while his fat ass wife eats a candy bar she bought with food stamps, thank Mr. Obama." This is a bit overly dramatic.


The fact that you don't see it and how reforms are going to lead to this is the issue in this thread. I am too tired to school you on this. I have three MD's in the family, the youngest of which is coming over to the house soon. If she's in the mood, I'll have her school you. Her husband is a former VP of Hospital Administration and now a practicing PT. Together they would love to have a beer with you.


Other than that, I'll let Kirk chime back in. Perhaps I will later if no one has provided you the information.


Companies have been going over seas well before Obama got into office so I don't see how that is his fault, nor the economy in general as it was heading south before he took office. If I remember correctly under the Bush administration companies were given tax credits for moving jobs overseas. The current Democrats are trying to pass a bill that will tax companies that send jobs overseas as opposed to giving them additional tax breaks.


Think Clinton era and read up.


Right back at you with the same quote "Meh. I have spent too much time over the months explaining this shit. People need to research for themselves. Actually, I think Brian Carter said this on page 1 and about 6-8 month ago too.

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This does not seem like an unreasonable statement and I would agree with it.


I disagree. We need more ICE. A lot more.


This link here actually covers a few of these quotes in one swoop:




Thanks for providing the link to prove he actually said what I posted.


- He took the 2nd largest chunk of money from Fanny and Freddy.


This actually depends which info you are looking at but I don't see this as a reason to hate Obama....This is how politics works. Here is the full list.


...after being in office a very short time. When something quacks like a duck, it's a duck.


I have no clue what this has to do with Obama, haha. Everyone has some crazy uncle that is shunned by the family.


See above comment


It doesn't matter what "everyone" has. "Everyone" didn't run for president. "Everyone" does NOT have multiple family members, friends, neighbors, and pastures who believe in what his family, friends, neighbors, and pastures did and do? Get it?


This is just silliness here. Chris Mathews held up a copy on the air! He was born in Hawaii dude. Come on.


Link? I have never seen this video.


This statement from someone who has not researched their own quotes? hmmmmm..


Don't even begin to assume you have any idea what time I have spent researching. The more time I spend, the more I hate who and what is running this country right now.



"That's how politics works". THAT's what I may hate the most - that people let politicians slide because it's the norm.

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