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Why does everyone hate Obama, Pelosi, and Reid?


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Obama does not equal "the government" so your argument is already flawed but we can run with it. I don't believe there currently is a 50% tax bracket In the US as it tops out at 35% and this is only if you are making over 300,000 per year so I am not sure that your arguments are based in fact. Could you please elaborate on what bill that Obama pushed through that makes you work harder for less money? I have not heard of such a thing.



tim has handled much of the argument on the health care reform bill, which will directly decrease medicare reimbursement effective immediately--so yes, i will immediately be paid less money.


obama wants to limit specialization in medicine, which means less people like me (who do hip and knee replacements). all this, when the projected number of knee replacements needed in the next 20 years is slated to increase 7 fold. do the math---that means that the gov't will withhold surgery to many of these patients---there will be huge, huge waits for this surgery (just one example). what that means to your parents with arthritis, is that they will have to wait 2-3 years---or pay me cash when i stop participating in insurance plans--many have already started doing this.


there are so many other flaws to critique, i've only chosen one tiny aspect that directly affects me.


and i'd say i pay at least 35% taxes.

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I didn't see social status as a problem back when my wife and I barely brought in $24k per year either. I worked my ass off as she worked 10hr days and went to law school at night. We saved money, lived within our means, invested in the market, bought property, and EARNED our way up the social and economic ladders of life. I see nothing wrong with putting that expectation on everyone. We both paid for our own college education and have been completely accountable for our actions. It's called making a good life through sweat equity and hard work. More Americans should try it. Socialism doesn't promote it. In terms of your Food Inc situation, Socialism wouldn't address that either.


In reference to my quote above, we will always have an unequal sharing of “blessings” when those blessings are based upon a free market system, but we also always have incredible opportunity to better ourselves. My family and I have taken that road. It's what makes America Great.


I couldn't have agreed more with everything Tim has said so far. And what I bolded and enlarged can't be repeated enough. What makes America great is the American Dream. The American Dream of prosperity and success is achieved through hard work. I don't understand how punishing those who work hard and reward the lazy going to make this country a better place to live in.



What do you call doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results?





That being said I don't find many Canadians that HATE their system. There are problems with wait times (over exaggerated in many cases) but no system is perfect. Take a look at Canada's life expectancy rates.....80 years vs 78 n the US. Japan even one ups that at 82 years and guess what? Universal healthcare there too. If you would only look at the facts you may begin to see a different story. As I stated before you are basically equating Obama to Socialism and then saying why Socialism is bad. This is misleading X2


What kind of crack are you smoking to directly relating life expectancy to the type of Health Care system?

In case you needed some further help on HOW life expectancy is calculated, I would refer you here:


Would you like to take your own advice?

As discussed above, on an individual basis, there are a number of factors that have been shown to correlate with a longer life. Factors that are associated with variations in life expectancy include family history, marital status, economic status, physique, exercise, diet, drug use including smoking and alcohol consumption, disposition, education, environment, sleep, climate, and health care.




I am not "for" him for the same reasons I am not "against" him.


I find it hard that pretty hard to believe after reading this thread.

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tim has handled much of the argument on the health care reform bill, which will directly decrease medicare reimbursement effective immediately--so yes, i will immediately be paid less money.


obama wants to limit specialization in medicine, which means less people like me (who do hip and knee replacements). all this, when the projected number of knee replacements needed in the next 20 years is slated to increase 7 fold. do the math---that means that the gov't will withhold surgery to many of these patients---there will be huge, huge waits for this surgery (just one example). what that means to your parents with arthritis, is that they will have to wait 2-3 years---or pay me cash when i stop participating in insurance plans--many have already started doing this.


there are so many other flaws to critique, i've only chosen one tiny aspect that directly affects me.


and i'd say i pay at least 35% taxes.


I would no doubt expect there will be some negative impacts to people for the better good of everyone but where do you find Obama is against medical specialization? If we focused more on preventative maintainence there would be fewer hip/ knee replacements needed. You are assuming that IF Obama was against AND limited the practice THAN there would not be enough people to perform these surgieries so people would not recieve care? I don't quite follow.

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I am simply playing devils advocate for why people hate him. If there was someone with better ideals and better strategies, I would vote for them. It's really that simple. I don't hate him because he thinks differently than I.


I don't hate him for thinking differently than me, I hate his ideas because they are bad for this country and everyone that is contributing. What we need is far less Gov't involvement not more. You need to re read post 127.


Dont get all hurt and act as if we are attacking you personally. I'll speak for myself in that I'm questioning your source of information and real first hand understandin of the situations. You said it yourself in that you would easily turn and follow another if they had a better idea. Not much loyalty or conviction there if you ask me.

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I don't hate him for thinking differently than me, I hate his ideas because they are bad for this country and everyone that is contributing. What we need is far less Gov't involvement not more.


Dont get all hurt and act as if we are attacking you personally. I'll speak for myself in that I'm questioning your source of information and real first hand understandin of the situations. You said it yourself in that you would easily turn and follow another if they had a better idea. Not much loyalty or conviction there if you ask me.


I do not feel personally attacked by you so just to clarify you have been a worthy adversary and I appreciate your input significantly more than most here. I am not hurt by it, it's just dissapointing. I do not pledge allegiance to the "man in the suit", but I do pledge allegiance to this country and its best interests.

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I do not pledge allegiance to the "man in the suit", but I do pledge allegiance to this country and its best interests.


Then quit the socialistic bullshit talk and start supporting a system that holds people accountable and clearly conveys a set of expectations to those in need that help is there but that there are no free lunches. Raise the bar for Christ's sake! You don't succeed by lowering the bar and sugar coating Robinhood politics with bullshit about helping others. Teach others to fish, don't cook thier fucking dinners.


Not every kid should get a trophy and grading on a curve is for idiots. Obama needs to talk less and do so only after he's done something that moves us forward. I think it's been said he took six mnths to pick out a dog yet he's trying to force health care reform down our throats in record time without thinking it through, verifying the details and getting true buy in. He's set himself up for failure.

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Not everyone can be a little commie princess, welcome to Ohio.


Communist? How about marxist? Environmentalist? We can throw around all kinds of "naughty" words but this just demonstrates your lack of understanding of what they mean.

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I would no doubt expect there will be some negative impacts to people for the better good of everyone but where do you find Obama is against medical specialization? If we focused more on preventative maintainence there would be fewer hip/ knee replacements needed. You are assuming that IF Obama was against AND limited the practice THAN there would not be enough people to perform these surgieries so people would not recieve care? I don't quite follow.


there is no prevention of hip and knee arthritis--no way to reverse the damage or prevent it--other than to lose weight--which is not a problem with medicine, its a problem of human nature that will not be corrected with medicine. obama's plan is very much against creating more specialists in medicine--its a well-known fact. they are offering loan forgiveness for medical school if you go into primary care. what i am arguing is not very hard to follow:


1--there is a projected massive increase in hip/knee arthritis over the next 10-20 years (we're already seeing it). not only an increase in the number of first time procedures, but revision procedures (which you need extra training, which i have, to do)


2--obama wants to limit the number of people who go into these specialties (and many others). how can he do this?--the government has direct control over how much money they give to hospitals to train physicians in different specialties. thus, they just say, "we're not giving hospitals money to train specialty X anymore"


3--you will see a shortage of physicians trained to do these procedures, AS WELL AS specific criteria that have to be met before the physician will be reimbursed for the surgery itself. these criteria will likely be ridiculous---such as 16 weeks of physical therapy (which does not help severe arthritis), or not allowing people above a certain weight to get the surgery, or documented attempts at physician-guided weight loss--some private insurance companies already do shit like this. basically, people will be so fed up that they will gladly pay out of pocket for health care, and physicians will get so fed up that they will not participate in these health care plans

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Then quit the socialistic bullshit talk and start supporting a system that holds people accountable and clearly conveys a set of expectations to those in need that help is there but that there are no free lunches. Raise the bar for Christ's sake! You don't succeed by lowering the bar and sugar coating Robinhood politics with bullshit about helping others. Teach others to fish, don't cook thier fucking dinners.


Not every kid should get a trophy and grading on a curve is for idiots. Obama needs to talk less and do so only after he's done something that moves us forward. I think it's been said he took six mnths to pick out a dog yet he's trying to force health care reform down our throats in record time without thinking it through, verifying the details and getting true buy in. He's set himself up for failure.


I agree that the US should not become a socialist nation. What I do believe is that we should be a bit more socialised than we are. I agree with all the examples above and I do expect people to work for what they want and for them to be provided the opportunity to succeed, not success itself.

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I agree that the US should not become a socialist nation. What I do believe is that we should be a bit more socialised than we are. I agree with all the examples above and I do expect people to work for what they want and for them to be provided the opportunity to succeed, not success itself.


So you're saying people in the US don't have opportunity to succeed already? Do you need me to do the google research on how many once upon a time boys in the hood are now successful?


Are you trying to say obamas ideals are necessary and will further contribute to this opportunity?

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So you're saying people in the US don't have opportunity to succeed already? Do you need me to do the google research on how many once upon a time boys in the hood are now successful?



This kid is more ignorant than anyone. Not to mention he must be blind. Why is it that so many kids from different countries come to utilize our education system? I can think of a billion different ways to pay for college and higher education these days. I guess Donald Trump and Bill Gates didn't have the opportunity to succeed. :lol:


You can't be a little bit socialistic, it doesn't quite work like that.

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If you think it's because it's better, you're kidding yourself. Also just depends on the country they are coming from.


Higher education, as in colleges and specialized schools. Our public school system is a joke, no debate on that one. If I ever have kids, their ass is going to private schools. Not to mention, who wouldn't want to come to an American university? :)

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Higher education, as in colleges and specialized schools. Our public school system is a joke, no debate on that one. If I ever have kids, their ass is going to private schools. Not to mention, who wouldn't want to come to an American university? :)


Oh yes, the US has great Universities.

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So you're saying people in the US don't have opportunity to succeed already? Do you need me to do the google research on how many once upon a time boys in the hood are now successful?


Are you trying to say obamas ideals are necessary and will further contribute to this opportunity?


I am not saying any of this actually, haha. There are very many opportunites for people in the US, there are also opportunities for people that live in Socialist countries too. I am not saying that Socialism is better as it has issues as well. I feel that using the best ideas from both ideologies will gives us the best results. Obamas ideals I can only assume but health care needed changing but the healthcare reform bill is not exactly the change I was looking for but it is a start. I wish there would have been more honest debate and less obstruction that would have lead to a better bill but I consider it a foot in the door. What comes through is still in the air and can be guided by votes.

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