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Gran Turismo Gameplay thread.


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Why the hell is there not a sweeping tach in all views? I can't stand that only premium cars have the cockpit view. Where is the Oval Test Track? No nitrous modification any more.


I must say I am a little disappointed.


I always hated the nitrous.

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Humm well my theory is out the window. Maybe a hard drive issue? I'm thinking about swapping in one of my 7200 rpm drives to try and speed up load times. SSD would be the best though.


let me know if you do that and how it works


we just went through and deleted a bunch of saved stuff...like the prologue...i highly doubt we'll ever play that again :)

so now really only gt5 is on our playstation with a few other games, but not much...so i'm sure we have plenty of space on the ps3 for this game...

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Fuck the elise top gear challenge, and 3 giant fucks to the non interior view having standard cars that I built. I also dont like how dark it is inside the premium cars, in forza I liked to use the factory cluster. I hate having all the gauge crap on the screen, pretty much my only issues so far.
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Fuck the elise top gear challenge, and 3 giant fucks to the non interior view having standard cars that I built. I also dont like how dark it is inside the premium cars, in forza I liked to use the factory cluster. I hate having all the gauge crap on the screen, pretty much my only issues so far.


They just stated today that they are going to work on getting the HUD off the screen as an option, and a few other things they might do.



Considering the Lead Developer is responding to fans with tweets shows good support in my eyes for this game. Some game developers just run and hid from problems in their games. Seems like Kaz does not want to do that.

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They just stated today that they are going to work on getting the HUD off the screen as an option, and a few other things they might do.



Considering the Lead Developer is responding to fans with tweets shows good support in my eyes for this game. Some game developers just run and hid from problems in their games. Seems like Kaz does not want to do that.


Nice. All I need now is a dome light or something so I can see the dash lol


Is there customization in this game?


Yes. Not as extensive as forza but its not bad.

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Not sure if you're trolling or not, but if so that's some A1 steak sauce shit hahaha. That picture is actually from GT5, that's what the "standard" cars look like.


Ok I see, I did not know they did Premium cars. That really sucks that they didn't tend to all of the cars....seems half assed if thats the case. I am disappointed now. I was wondering why most of the cars pictured are the same ones over and over again....

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Ok I see, I did not know they did Premium cars. That really sucks that they didn't tend to all of the cars....seems half assed if thats the case. I am disappointed now. I was wondering why most of the cars pictured are the same ones over and over again....


Yeah, its fucking stupid. Makes the game feel so half assed.

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I played last night for a couple house. I think a steering wheel is a must for the Nascar test.


Agreed. The steering is very sensitive.


I usually play racing games with no assists but with the elise its hard to maintain control when the back end is always sliding out from under it lol. I had to turn the abs and tc back on just to beat it.

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I've got a few grips with this...


Not saving my configurations is a big one.


Another is I've bought items from the tune shop and did not install them (tires), watch the money get deducted and go do some races, go to a race that requires the tires that I bought and they're not there.


Third is the used cars. When I started the game there were some cars I would have liked to have bought, I go back to the used car section and they're gone. What the hell is the point in having the used car inventory of something I cannot buy yet, just to take it away?


Last is the license tests. There are some that are just so damned hard to get gold in. If you go and watch the example of them, NONE of the examples can get gold. What use is an example if it doesn't show you how to do it perfectly?


I'm sure I'll find more irritations. Like the lack of amount of races, and variety of races, etc.


My ps online ID is RAWFUL_C0PT3R maybe without the underscore.

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Third is the used cars. When I started the game there were some cars I would have liked to have bought, I go back to the used car section and they're gone. What the hell is the point in having the used car inventory of something I cannot buy yet, just to take it away?


GT4 and GTPSP both had cars come and go at random. My guess is that the used cars are changed every few "days" of game play.

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GT4 and GTPSP both had cars come and go at random. My guess is that the used cars are changed every few "days" of game play.


This is correct it is supposed to be like a real car lot. Sort it by "dealer acquisition" and look at the just in cars. Also note the ones at the bottom. Go do 1-2 races. Go back to used dealer sort by "dealer acquisition" again and I bet you money they are lower in the list. The lowest ones will disappear.


It sucks though because I see a car that I want and I don't have enough money. I do a few races and its gone.

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I still for the life of me cannot get gold in 2 of the B license events. A, IB, IA, I'm fine with but these two are kicking my ass. The one is with the Pugeot at Tsukuba and the other is the next test at Nurburgring GP track. Examples don't even get close to the gold time... I can get within .050-.070 of getting gold on the first but about .500-.800 on the second. Any pointers?
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