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I have a Canon Rebel XS with a Canon EFS 18-55mm lens and a 75-300mm lens. I really want to get an upgraded lens for next for next racing season.


What are some things I should look for? I am looking for something that can take good action shots and does well in low light. Is this combo possible? A lens that can be used for pit shots and action shots up close and at distance?


I feel like a blind man in a strip club on this just feelling for ideas so let me know.

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I'd get the 70-200 F2.8 ( lower number = better low light for you) Either the non- IS or IS version (Image stabilized) There's about a $600-700 difference in price. I have the non-IS due to being cheap and it works for me, but it will take more learning to use it. The IS version is sweet and has a horizontal panning mode to allow for tracking sports action fairly easily.


They recently came out with a mk2 version so the older one is going cheap used right now.


Also you can buy the brand Sigma, but buy it from a store so you can test it first. They aren't quality controlled as well as Canon so you can get a dud.

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  Wagner said:
What are some things I should look for? I am looking for something that can take good action shots and does well in low light. Is this combo possible? A lens that can be used for pit shots and action shots up close and at distance?


You've gotten some good advice above. However, what do you need low light in a zoom on race day for? I shoot a 100-400L and an 800mmL lens for my distance shots and hardly ever drop below f/8. You're going to pan with racing, so while stabilization is nice for the horizontal plane, you really don't need it. Buy a $75 monopod and you're golden. You won't want to be holding up a heavy L lens for more than a few minutes at a time anyway. Safer too.


Pit shots and action shots up close, I would suggest the 24-70L. That's my daily walk around lens. Less money one could go with a 100mm f/2. That's my favorite for indoor swiming, etc. The 135L is another classic, but the 100mm prime will save you $500 and is an excellent lens.


Again, if you're shooting with just one body, you'll likely just swap lenses when you do pit shots. Use the money you save for a good 580ex flash. You'll need that for best results and to avoid shadows on race day when in the pits. Another tip is to consider a good circular polarizer. My L Lenses are all 77mm in size, so I just need one. You may need a reducer so that you can still use a larger one on a smaller lens. Not always the best solution, but a cheaper alternative. Don't go cheap on filters either. That's what I would do.

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  Tractor said:
There's the F4.0 version. Its way better than what you have now, but still not good for low light.



I currently have this lens and its one of my favorites for sure. The optics are gorgeous and the lens has a great focal range. I must also recommend the 24-105mm L if you are looking for a more walk-around friendly lens.


I'd pick up one of those above, and grab a nifty-fifty for when you need a really fast lens.

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  sol740 said:
I'd pick up one of those above, and grab a nifty-fifty for when you need a really fast lens.


not fast in focus though. won't work for action shots not with much success that is. won't go much above 3fps in shooting speed either. great value lens though. the 85mm f/1.8 will give you much better bokeh though.

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  pdqgp said:
not fast in focus though. won't work for action shots not with much success that is. won't go much above 3fps in shooting speed either. great value lens though. the 85mm f/1.8 will give you much better bokeh though.



The focus is janky for sure(and loud). Though I've always managed to make it work when I needed it too :)

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the Nifty 50mm is a portrait lens plain and simple. It should IMHO be a part of EVERY canon owners lens collection (unless you are rich and can afford the 1.4:eek:)


But for what you are talkigna bout.. no.. the 50MM would not be a good choice\


I would love to have 24-70mm for day to day stuff.. i routinely rent it from MPEX.


(btw Dennis at Midwest is awesome and has some decent lens rentals if anyone cares, including the lens we are discussing here)

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After asking some questions over on yellowbullet.com and here I think that my price range won't allow for a lens that can do both close and zoom.


It was suggested to use the small lens I have now for pit shots and up close stuff.


So what is a good affordable zoom lens? I would like to try to keep this at $800 or less.


Can you explain to a retard like me what the different letters and numbers you guys are throwing around? It sounds like a bunch of honda people talking engines :)

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  Tractor said:
This one would be perfect http://www.adorama.com/US%20%20%20%20413090.html


The company thats selling it "Adorama" Is a great place to buy from on the net. Really fast service and they are the huge local guys in NYC.


Adorama is the "Newegg" of camera gear. I got my T1i there and have been playing with lenses myself, though many of mine are older non-IS/Cheap-o ones.

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70-200 is not something you want to just go out and grab. There is a learning curve in it, and I wouldn't suggest it to someone as their "next lens" coming from kit lenses. Step up to a 24-105 F4L. Great walk around lens. And when needed I have shot sports with it.


I bought a 70-200 2.8L last year and sent it off to be recalibrated, so half the season was on the 24-105. Did just fine. You can buy it white box (came out of a kit) brand new for 900. 100 over what you want to spend.


50mm 1.8 is a junk lens, but it does create nice bokeh (blurred background) I never use mine. I have an 85 for that.


The numbers that your seeing thrown around here is the F-Stop number or Aperture.

The F-Stop controls the amount of light entering the camera. THE LOWER THE NUMBER THE MORE LIGHT, THE HIGHER THE NUMBER THE LESS LIGHT ENTERS. Each F-Stop doubles or halves the amount of light hitting the sensor or film. Your 70-300 lens that says F4-5.6 means that lens can get to 3.5 (more light) wide open (70) and its max Aperture is 5.6 zoomed. Confused yet?

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Not sure, my brother had my setup when he was traveling. If I had to guess, 150 feet. It is cropped. I'm trying to find you a shot I did this past football season. Its cropped and from 50 yards away. Looks fine.


I think what your trying to do,and the budget your at, this lens is for you. Its a great build, sturdy, fast focusing lens. It is my primary walk around lens. Other lens rarely see the camera. You can see with the top 2 pictures it creates great bokeh at 4.0 (F-Stop)

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  Wagner said:
After asking some questions over on yellowbullet.com and here I think that my price range won't allow for a lens that can do both close and zoom.


It was suggested to use the small lens I have now for pit shots and up close stuff. So what is a good affordable zoom lens? I would like to try to keep this at $800 or less.


Can you explain to a retard like me what the different letters and numbers you guys are throwing around? It sounds like a bunch of honda people talking engines :)


Canon EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Autofocus Lens for Select Digital SLR Cameras


It's less than $600 and perfect for you in a sense that you can use it as a walk around lens, not break your bank and has built in stabilization. It will be 100% fine for the track. Low light shots so long as there's no movement can be hand-held with ease as it has the newest 4 stop Stabilization built in and good optics. Slight distortion wide open and at full zoom, but nothing you'll notice. For shits and grins, I traded my 100-400L for this one with my brother in law for use for a few months and it's one I would own.


Works indoors very well and outdoors with ease. I don't have a lot of shots online but here are a few: Most were taken by my brother in law.









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I ran my own photography company for almost 10 years. My bread and butter was Drag Racing and I traveled from track to track all over the country with my trailer and equipment. You DO NOT want the 70-200 for this. It is a great low light lens but not the greatest for what you want to do. If you want to spend the money then try this. I used this lens the last 2 years that I was in business and loved it.


Canon Zoom Wide Angle-Telephoto EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM Autofocus Lens



If you wanna go cheap then try this one. I had this lens for about 5 years and loved it. This lens was better than my 70-200 lens as far as action shots go. If you wanna do weddings or portraits then the 70-200 is one of the best lens's to go with.


Zoom Telephoto EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III Autofocus Lens



Tims lens looks pretty good as well, although I have never used this lens.

Canon EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Autofocus Lens for Select Digital SLR Cameras

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