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Up to 3" snow coming....


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a) Invincible in their suv's


This will be me this year, and it's also the first year I'm actually looking forward to a shit ton of snow. The audi is good in snow, but doesn't have the ground clearance, plus if someone plows into the land rover....not a single fuck will be given that day.

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Reason 23783465783694578 not to buy a used WRX hah :D


Depends on the driver. If they keep the wheel cranked against the lock then yeah, wouldn't touch it. But a good driver can keep the car spinning with only a little steering input which is a lot easier on the pump.


I hope we get more than "less than an inch". I lived on Cape Cod before moving out here and all that water around meant there wasn't a lot of snow. When I moved out here I thought "Hey, midwest winters! Sweet!" Then I find out that, with no geographic similarities, Columbus is just like the cape in the winter.. Pisses me off.

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I'm not getting my hopes up. Also, I always thought we'd get more snow when i moved here. So far, it hasnt' been too bad each year since moving here and there's at least been some pretty fun days, especially for someone coming from down south and out west.
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Downgraded to 1-2". Thank God. :) It's too early for this BS. Temps are supposed to be 45, not freaking 30. Snow can show up in another month. Fuck all you snow lovers... :mad:


The forecast for this winter is exactly opposite of the last couple. It is supposed to be cold in December, and Jan and February we should be a few degrees above average for those months with rain and sleet and some snow. So far Joe Bastardi has been spot on. I think we are in for a mild winter.

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No offense to all you guys who make coin from plowing, etc. come snow season - I totally respect people who do work.


That being said, fuck snow. If I ruled the universe, it would snow on Christmas eve and a little bit on Christmas Day, and then the rest of the year it would be mid-70s and above.

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No offense to all you guys who make coin from plowing, etc. come snow season - I totally respect people who do work.


That being said, fuck snow. If I ruled the universe, it would snow on Christmas eve and a little bit on Christmas Day, and then the rest of the year it would be mid-70s and above.



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Get a Subaru, and you will never complain about snow ever again.


It has nothing to do with any of my cars. It has to do with the fact that I grew up in Rochetser, NY, then spent time in the deep south when I was in the military, and that really got me off of snow and winter. So I'm done with snow and winter, but I like living in Columbus for the other 9 months out of the year. If I could either convince my wife to move to Texas, or move somewhere that's warmer and still has that Ohio cost of living, I'd totally do it. Plus keep my job somehow. :lol:


No offense to all you guys who make coin from plowing, etc. come snow season - I totally respect people who do work.


That being said, fuck snow. If I ruled the universe, it would snow on Christmas eve and a little bit on Christmas Day, and then the rest of the year it would be mid-70s and above.


Yup, well said. I surely don't mean any offense to you guys on here who plow (Sam, etc.). But when December hits and we start getting the white stuff, I'm ready for March like now... :nod:

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No offense to all you guys who make coin from plowing, etc. come snow season - I totally respect people who do work.


That being said, fuck snow. If I ruled the universe, it would snow on Christmas eve and a little bit on Christmas Day, and then the rest of the year it would be mid-70s and above.


Give me 6 months of mid-70s and 6 months of snow. The changeover is allowed to be rainy, so 5/1/5/1. I want the snow to be so consistent that they give up on plowing and salting and just groom the roads. Give me a reason to get a set of these:


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No offense to all you guys who make coin from plowing, etc. come snow season - I totally respect people who do work.


That being said, fuck snow. If I ruled the universe, it would snow on Christmas eve and a little bit on Christmas Day, and then the rest of the year it would be mid-70s and above.



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No offense to all you guys who make coin from plowing, etc. come snow season - I totally respect people who do work.


That being said, fuck snow. If I ruled the universe, it would snow on Christmas eve and a little bit on Christmas Day, and then the rest of the year it would be mid-70s and above.


I feel the same way.

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