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Huge THANKS!!! to Mike aka Copperhead


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Both really. Pop DVD into the system, it copies the game to the USB drive, return said game to friend/Blockbuster and then play. Yes, you can dump a ton of games at once and even back them up to your computer.

I far prefer the DVD buring method. Download the .iso for whatever game you want, burn it to a .15 cent DVD, and you never have to store it anywhere, have a special hard drive for it, etc. Plays just like the original.


But I guess if you have a newer system you can't do that, so then you are stuck doing a USB loader instead.

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I far prefer the DVD buring method. Download the .iso for whatever game you want, burn it to a .15 cent DVD, and you never have to store it anywhere, have a special hard drive for it, etc. Plays just like the original.


But I guess if you have a newer system you can't do that, so then you are stuck doing a USB loader instead.


easier to store but if you have tons of usb media its far far easier and the games will load faster via usb and can be transferred to usb faster then erased if you dont like the game and never scratches ;) Or you can hook up an external drive and be good for a long time

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easier to store but if you have tons of usb media its far far easier and the games will load faster via usb and can be transferred to usb faster then erased if you dont like the game and never scratches ;) Or you can hook up an external drive and be good for a long time


Ya I have a 320GB 2.5" USB drive. Don't need anything else other then an SD card to load some .wad files ;)

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easier to store but if you have tons of usb media its far far easier and the games will load faster via usb and can be transferred to usb faster then erased if you dont like the game and never scratches ;) Or you can hook up an external drive and be good for a long time


That's what I did. USB 2 250GB WD Drive. Fast and has plenty of room. I have about 30 games on there and only about 90gb used. No way I'd want to dink around with burning and storing and playing off DVD's. HDD is the way to go IMO.

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Alright, I have done some testing and with my new setup, it is $100 and I include a 500 gig hard drive to get you going! The process is super quick now, so you can hang around while I do it and I can show you how your Wii has been improved.
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After its all done is it easy enough for the kids to figure out how to load games?


My wii is bone stock would I need to do anything before you come over?


I may be interested. Thanks.


Easy as selecting any channel. My 7 year old works it just fine. I just showed him that he is only to select the games from the ICONS that pop up and that if he accidentally hits something that brings him to a "list" of any kind to shut off the Wii and go back in. This way he can't/won't ever change anything in anyway.


It's not easy for him to accidentally hurt anything, but I thought it best to show him what NOT to do as well. He's fine. Well worth the investment regardless of the drive size you use. I have a 250gb Western Digital on mine. I was going to go larger, but I bought a second 4TB system for my photography stuff and just used this one instead.



Edited by TTQ B4U
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After its all done is it easy enough for the kids to figure out how to load games?


My wii is bone stock would I need to do anything before you come over?


I may be interested. Thanks.


Yup, its very easy. Just click on the loader channel then select what game you want. It just adds one easy step to the process of playing a game, but it means you never have to swap discs, so nothing to lose or scratch.


All that I need is to know your firmware version. From the system menu, click on the Wii Options button on the bottom left. Then Wii Settings on the right. The version will be along the top, towards the right.

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