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Is this civil suit worthy?


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Talked to him some more and he said he was by the stage and people were coming through the door so he moved onto the steps at the edge of the stage. So he wasn't sure if the guy thought he was trying to get on stage or something or thought he was someone else.


Said he hit the ground and came to pretty quick as the guy that hit him was running off stage and another was being called out by the dj. Also found out his name was AJ.



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Talked to him some more and he said he was by the stage and people were coming through the door so he moved onto the steps at the edge of the stage. So he wasn't sure if the guy thought he was trying to get on stage or something or thought he was someone else.


Said he hit the ground and came to pretty quick as the guy that hit him was running off stage and another was being called out by the dj. Also found out his name was AJ.


Sounds like someone was drunk/jacked-up and looking for a fight. Not sure why he didn't immediately call 911?

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