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Fun Friday


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I am in Cleveland for training and on Fiday afternoon I nearly passed out. The EMT's transported me to Hillcrest Medical Center about 2PM. It looks like dehydration and after 4 hours in ER I had another spell and now I am laying in bed being waited on hand and foot. Looks like I can go back to the hotel tomorrow after more blood work.
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CT scan? You know about those, don't you? I'd ask to see the maintenance records before you dive into that tube. You know, they let just anybody service those things. ;)


Seriously, I hope the news is all good and that you're feeling better soon.


This just keeps getting to be more fun. If it's a Philips scanner one of my friends works on it. I know they have a Philips MR.


They think from the abd x-ray it's a bowel abstruction. So I am now waiting on the surgeon. This place is so slow it is hard to believe they are in business.


After discussion with him I may decide to just pack my bags and come back to Cbus.

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