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5 questions with Skinner


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In this installment of "5 questions with", I interview Skinner, aka Shawn aka biggdaddy biggnutts


1. Shawn how did you go about having triplets? Did you just bust one really big nut or try to conceive 3 times and they all happened to work?


2. If you had a banhammer in your Moderator-Tool-Satchel-of-Badassery, who would you ban and for what reasons?


3. What is your #1 favorite food, and drink? If you say Cane's or anything to do with Cane's sauce or crinkle cut fries, I will punch you in your choad.


4. If you meet anyone from all of history and punch their choad, who would it be?


5. What advice do you have for all the 20 somethings on CR?

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In this installment of "5 questions with", I interview Skinner, aka Shawn aka biggdaddy biggnutts


1. Shawn how did you go about having triplets? Did you just bust one really big nut or try to conceive 3 times and they all happened to work?


It just happened we did no plan on it or for it. Only thing I did was made sure they were boys, I had no control over the number that's the woman's thing.


2. If you had a banhammer in your Moderator-Tool-Satchel-of-Badassery, who would you ban and for what reasons?

Army of Darkness. Need I say more.


3. What is your #1 favorite food, and drink? If you say Cane's or anything to do with Cane's sauce or crinkle cut fries, I will punch you in your choad.


A good steak, cooked med rare with grill asparagus. As for drink love me some lemon lime kool-aid.


4. If you meet anyone from all of history and punch their choad, who would it be?
hrmmm If I had to choose one person it would be my wife father. Guy is a complete asshat and a waste flesh only good think he has ever done was conceive my wife.


5. What advice do you have for all the 20 somethings on CR?


I would tell them to sit back and read your post carefully and to learn from you. Also remind them the internet is serious business and to never take anything on a forum lightly.

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