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Do you consider cheerleading a sport also? If so...at the end of a football/baseball game how do you determine who won?:lol:


Congrats though. Free shit > paying for shit



Cheerleading is a sport, just like volleyball. Anything that gives me a stiffy counts.

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Cheerleading is a sport, just like volleyball. Anything that gives me a stiffy counts.


So racquetball is a sport to you, as long as Phil is playing?


Way to go, all the haters are just jealous they will never have a sponsor for physical ability.

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What makes this thread is the fact that Joe posted that over a month ago possibly longer (I am not searching for it) and it got under mr cools skin so bad he had to come back to his highschool reunion to show off his new 10$ sweat band..


Congrats on the sponsor but if you tried the same at the sport as you do this whole pretending to not care thing more people would probably know about the sport... Just saying.




.,!?:;()""'. Here is the punctuation for this post.

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Does it really matter if it is a "real" sport? Fuck.... Nascar is considered a sport!


Anything that you can get a Sponsorship for, and get free shit for doing, could be considered a "sport".


Congrats Phil for making it work for you!





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Phil, as a former sponsored player in Disc Golf, congratulations. It was awesome for me, most do not consider Disc Golf a sport either. I am on the fence about it myself, however this is how I have alway looked at it and what it did for me:


I played as a hobby at first, then with sponsorship from one of the 2 frisbee manufacturers at the time, I was now able to travel and play all over the country. They payed my entry fees, gave me all the discs I would need to play, I was payed bonuses for winning or finishing well on top of my money for winning or placing well. This freed up money for rental cars, plane tickets, and Gas. I still had a full time job. I had a blast, got to see a lot of the country with young eyes, had a ton of fun, and met many really cool people that I still talk to all over the country. It pays off later because pretty much anywhere you go now in the country you know people and visit them. I was lucky and I am still grateful for the opportunity I received. It will be trivial to some.


I will say this, signing autographs felt amazing. I went to Kansas City to play in a Major Tournament with my new girlfriend, now my wife. The previous year I played there and finished in the top ten. One of the finishes that got me recognition. A bunch of amateur players saw me out practicing before the event with my girlfriend by my side the next year. They walked up and confirmed who I was and asked me to each sign a Discraft disc of theirs. As a guy with his girlfriend next to him it mad me feel 10 feet tall. To this day my wife rolls her eyes, but SHE usually tells the story at least. :)


Do what you like and if you are good enough it will pay off, maybe not always in wealth, but to me something more lasting, memories and friendships. Money comes and goes. Fuck all these haters.

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Phil, as a former sponsored player in Disc Golf, congratulations. It was awesome for me, most do not consider Disc Golf a sport either. I am on the fence about it myself, however this is how I have alway looked at it and what it did for me:


I played as a hobby at first, then with sponsorship from one of the 2 frisbee manufacturers at the time, I was now able to travel and play all over the country. They payed my entry fees, gave me all the discs I would need to play, I was payed bonuses for winning or finishing well on top of my money for winning or placing well. This freed up money for rental cars, plane tickets, and Gas. I still had a full time job. I had a blast, got to see a lot of the country with young eyes, had a ton of fun, and met many really cool people that I still talk to all over the country. It pays off later because pretty much anywhere you go now in the country you know people and visit them. I was lucky and I am still grateful for the opportunity I received. It will be trivial to some.


I will say this, signing autographs felt amazing. I went to Kansas City to play in a Major Tournament with my new girlfriend, now my wife. The previous year I played there and finished in the top ten. One of the finishes that got me recognition. A bunch of amateur players saw me out practicing before the event with my girlfriend by my side the next year. They walked up and confirmed who I was and asked me to each sign a Discraft disc of theirs. As a guy with his girlfriend next to him it mad me feel 10 feet tall. To this day my wife rolls her eyes, but SHE usually tells the story at least. :)


Do what you like and if you are good enough it will pay off, maybe not always in wealth, but to me something more lasting, memories and friendships. Money comes and goes. Fuck all these haters.





BMX was the same for me but I have no Uber awesome wife just yet...

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To all that congrats , thanks a lot it means a lot. Ben shanton duff, gape,dover thanks cause you guys all know how hard it is to be good at anything when you still have to deal with real life at the same time.



To the people who ? Why this thread is even around, honestly no one else knows about my new contract. I just found it quite hilarious that what I do isn't real, but in the same sentence the number 1 athletic apparel company is putting there name in the mix and trying to promote a " non real sport" no racquetball doesn't define me, my accopmlishments and hard work do. If u must know I went to dayton and play football my freshman yr of college. Got red shirt, and couldn't afford it so I came to osu. Found somthing I liked and burried myself in it. Unlike most I dedicated myself 110% to my craft stuck threw it wen it wasn't good and grinded my way to the top. Most people buckle and quit because it gets hard. And if no one cared about my sport as much as you think, why have I played with multiple people on this board??? I've given people racquets, gloves, anything they need to promote my sport and get them to play more. No its not basketball, football, or even hockey. But it is a sport, maybe you should get off your fat asses and try and play, then tell me its not a sport.

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no racquetball doesn't define me, my accopmlishments and hard work do.


Well... everything you've posted in here, this thread existing and a decent amount of your post on this board says otherwise, including other excerpts from that post. Actions speak louder than words, but when all of your words say that you are nothing without this one thing I can only assume that's the only thing that defines you as a person. I wasn't stating it as a bad thing or trying to bash, simply stating that's the one way it can come across. But I'll take your word for it that you are a more in depth person than this since I've never meet you. Congrats on achieving something in what you chose to focus on! :cool:

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