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Caught the lil buggers!

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets

Caught two little Racoons in the attic in trap baskets! They were up in the attic! :)






Decook trying to feed them cheese to the left :)

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Cat food makes really good raccoon bait. They can't resist it.


I tried fruit and peanut butter and other things. Caught 1 or 2 and then the others avoided the trap.


I put catfood in it and caught 1 raccoon nightly (4/5 nights about). Caught over 20 all together in about a month.

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Guest 614Streets

No its not even legal to move the traps , I hired a wildlife service to help when my tenants notified me last night.


But yes I am skining them now for caps and a coat for clay , but I will keep them as skinless pets.

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be nice and free them away from house


Straight from ODNR. It is illegal to relocate a raccoon.




"Nuisance or sick raccoons may be trapped without a permit, but it is illegal to live trap and relocate them to a new area. In order to prevent the possible spread of raccoon diseases in Ohio, all live trapped raccoons must be released again on the homeowner's property or humanely euthanized."

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Straight from ODNR. It is illegal to relocate a raccoon.




"Nuisance or sick raccoons may be trapped without a permit, but it is illegal to live trap and relocate them to a new area. In order to prevent the possible spread of raccoon diseases in Ohio, all live trapped raccoons must be released again on the homeowner's property or humanely euthanized."




LJ would approve of your post.


Personally, fuck it, move them far, far, far away or we can see if anyone will notice two gun shots. No one notices the occasional Glock going off in my back yard, not a oppossum, skunk, occasional racoon...no body. :whistle:

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When I was a kid my buddy had 2 of them in his attic. So the two of us follow his dad in the attic. I think he found out it was not a good idea to shoot them in the attic. He must have been a bad shot or something. There were bullet holes all through the ceiling in the upstairs of their house.
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