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Preferred Fuel ?


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Interesting read here:




Included in the discussion are requirements for fuels to be considered "top tier", including that they contain 8% ethanol in "base form"....


Gets pretty technical it seems, and can vary based on location what your local franchise location carries.

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Oh now I see why it will fuck shit up


Alright story time, one of dads co-workers has a 23ft deep-vee, and he normally fills up at BP because it's the closest gas station to his home on the way to the lake. Well occasionally he fills up at the marina or another gas station, well towards the end of the year his boat wasnt running right. So he took it in to have that problem checked out and to get it winterized. He got asked weather he ran BP fuel in it, and admitted he did. Tech could tell he ran BP because the additives in BP reacted badly with the additives from other companies fuels, that it made white floating contaminates in the fuel.

In the words of the tech, "if your going to run BP, only run BP... dont mix anything else with it". Sorry for the long story

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I use marathon mostley it's closests to me, shell or mobil if that's an option when i need to fill up. BP gave me a check engine light, haven't gone back and haven't had a check engine light
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It's always Sunoco in the Camaro, my wife and I's dailys get whatever is cheapest so long as it isn't BP. I think the ethanol content of most Speedways is at the legal limit, I have no info to confirm this assumption, but it seems my mileage goes down a little with speedway.
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There was this guy with a pickup truck that someone told him not to use BP, dont' use BP.


My Dad is a Mazda certified tech and he was told by Mazda that BP was causing some issues with the cars, this was 10 years ago, but it's this type of info that makes me steer clear. I've heard too many people say not to use BP to not pay attention.

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My Dad is a Mazda certified tech and he was told by Mazda that BP was causing some issues with the cars, this was 10 years ago, but it's this type of info that makes me steer clear. I've heard too many people say not to use BP to not pay attention.


I as well have heard similar things my entire life, and I generally won't use BP either. I believe many moons ago, there might have been a legitimate problem.

Today, I'm highly doubtful, but it shows how long things like that can damage a company.

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I as well have heard similar things my entire life, and I generally won't use BP either. I believe many moons ago, there might have been a legitimate problem.

Today, I'm highly doubtful, but it shows how long things like that can damage a company.


I still believe that they use more additives then most, and yes it can be damaging but there are too many people out there who don't care or don't have a clue for BP to be greatly affected.

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Alright story time, one of dads co-workers has a 23ft deep-vee, and he normally fills up at BP because it's the closest gas station to his home on the way to the lake. Well occasionally he fills up at the marina or another gas station, well towards the end of the year his boat wasnt running right. So he took it in to have that problem checked out and to get it winterized. He got asked weather he ran BP fuel in it, and admitted he did. Tech could tell he ran BP because the additives in BP reacted badly with the additives from other companies fuels, that it made white floating contaminates in the fuel.

In the words of the tech, "if your going to run BP, only run BP... dont mix anything else with it". Sorry for the long story



that would be water/ethanol. BP has more additives in it that can cause this when mixed with other brands of fuel.


until GM came out with the ethanol fuel tester we had to do it the hard way with a graduated cylinder. much like this but with a real glass graduated cylinder and then had to do the math like they have at the bottom http://continuouswave.com/whaler/reference/ethanolTest.html

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Wow, I never thought there were soo many variables? Thanks for all the input. Think I'll stay with Sunoco & or Shell 93. Probably will continue to shy away from BP, plus I remain torked at them too for the irresponsible acts in our gulf
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Driving back from Athens after halloween I got a half tank from the BP right there on court street. Twice on the highway the engine went into limp mode and said stop immediately. I am contributing this entirely to bad fuel from BP. Never had this problem anytime else.
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I heard if you use BP, your engine will fall out of the car and murder your family.


See this is how poor rumors start....That's only their regular grade. Their premium is more refined and will slip in and out like a ninja killing your family...you will never even know it has happened until it's too late. ;)


I'm usually split 50/50 between UDF (MOBIL) premium and Shell V Power, depending on who is cheaper at the moment. I have never had gas related issues using either, so that's enough proof for me.

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I prefer Shell but I'm never around one. Next up is BP - which, I might add, got about 2 MPG better out of my WRX than Sunoco did. Sunoco tends to be more expensive than anything else and isn't worth the price difference in my eyes. Otherwise, I'll go for whatever tends to stay busy so they are less likely to have old gas or watered down gas.
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