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My new wheels came yesterday!!!!!!! Photoshop please


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Aside from all of that why is it that the mods start the most shit when they're supposed to be keeping the peace. Come on guys seriously this is ridiculous.


Because we were members here before you, MODS don't have to be silent, or lie and say it's cool. We are honest. I never have understood where people think MODS are supposed to not participate on the board, like all we are to do is infract people and delete posts and stuff.

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Because we were members here before you, MODS don't have to be silent, or lie and say it's cool. We are honest. I never have understood where people think MODS are supposed to not participate on the board, like all we are to do is infract people and delete posts and stuff.


we are the bad guys, we can never make anyone happy.

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Its funny that you removed that. Since the people that it was directed to still can read it. :)



Honestly without seeing them on the car it would be hard to judge how they look. But the most important part is that you like them. Fuck everyone else, HELL they could be teddy bear rim :lol: if thats what you want more power to you. Personally I don't think they look bad but again would have to see them on the car.

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Have you never busted another guy's chops? Since day one that is what has been done here. You may want to take your mangina somewhere else. And how is it abusing my "power"? There is no rule here against poking fun at someone. It's what makes this place different from all the other censored boards.

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Have you never busted another guy's chops? Since day one that is what has been done here. You may want to take your mangina somewhere else. And how is it abusing my "power"? There is no rule here against poking fun at someone. It's what makes this place different from all the other censored boards.





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I suppose in all fairness there aren't alot of fixed up gen coupes around here so ill give a better idea of the look im going for.



The top one is the exact same sizing that I have for mine. The bottom one im not 100% sure on the sizing but it will be about the same look as mine with the staggered fitment.

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