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hey im new to this site

maces spawn

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Um what happened in this abortion of a thread? I see the typical abuse of a non knowing member I don't see anything to absurd?? Don't get shitty Mace as you knew what was going to happen when you saw he registered. Please don't threaten members either, a man of your age and maturity should know better then to bicker like a child. We all know this isn't the most mature group in the world, so expect nothing more and you will find yourself less mad in the long run.


Since when?

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This is crazy how i say hey which wasnt my original post i messed up and posted twice and people hated on that?? then the selling thing i do posts in craigslist i just joined this site to see the forums yea my car is not the best im 16 who had an amazing car for their first time, and for all u guys who think your cool internet guys i hope you have fun in your moms basement


I figure i will just tell to all of you straight.

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your getting razzed because you appearantly cant follow directions. go look at a few intro posts of people who took the time to read the stickies before hand. You will notice they dont get razzed (or nearly as bad anyway). Sorry kid, but you brought this all on yourself.
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yea i see alot of things wrong. again, go take the time to check out a few other intros of people that didnt get bashed and follow that guidline.


A good intro would be like,


Hello, my name is.... Its not much, but i drive a..... I am 16 years old and still in high school, but plan on working full time/going to college when i graduate. My dad is also a member of this board.


Aside from somthing like that, just mention a few hobbies or something that you like or are into. its not hard.

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This is crazy how i say hey which wasnt my original post i messed up and posted twice and people hated on that?? then the selling thing i do posts in craigslist i just joined this site to see the forums yea my car is not the best im 16 who had an amazing car for their first time, and for all u guys who think your cool internet guys i hope you have fun in your moms basement


I figure i will just tell to all of you straight.


I can not believe you went to private school. Perhaps there was a short bus associated with it?

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and for all u guys who think your cool internet guys i hope you have fun in your moms basement.


dude, you're 16. you live in your dad's house, and don't pay a single dime for anything. you live in grove city. i'm fairly certain you're not in any position (and neither is your dad) to critique anyone's financial situation in this thread. make a proper introduction and stop being a whiny bitch. or move along.

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I've gone through his post and I want to kick his butt.

I know what hes doing, hes typing and not thinking

I told him to key up a response on word THEN cut/paste it here


Also I wasn't critiquing anyone's pay, I'll bet I could I don't

Kudos to several of you who negged me then had the balls to say you did, I can respect that to the rest of you show yourselves, but that will never happen


Some of you are hating on my age well lets meet up and talk age

No I am not threatening anyone just looking to talk


When he told me late he signed up a 2nd time I told him you'd find out...and again dad is correct. He hates that.


Dover, I wanted people to pm me so as this thread DIDN'T go bad...real bad but it has

And truely I am a talker first and fighter 2nd

Maybe you should lock the thread and or ban him ..I don't know you mods need to figure that one out.

Lastly, I don't know why some people hate on GC. Yes it has its share of hicks, fat hicks at that but house value is excellent.

Good Night from the old guy


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I've gone through his post and I want to kick his butt.

I know what hes doing, hes typing and not thinking

I told him to key up a response on word THEN cut/paste it here


Also I wasn't critiquing anyone's pay, I'll bet I could I don't

Kudos to several of you who negged me then had the balls to say you did, I can respect that to the rest of you show yourselves, but that will never happen


Some of you are hating on my age well lets meet up and talk age

No I am not threatening anyone just looking to talk


When he told me late he signed up a 2nd time I told him you'd find out...and again dad is correct. He hates that.


Dover, I wanted people to pm me so as this thread DIDN'T go bad...real bad but it has

And truely I am a talker first and fighter 2nd

Maybe you should lock the thread and or ban him ..I don't know you mods need to figure that one out.

Lastly, I don't know why some people hate on GC. Yes it has its share of hicks, fat hicks at that but house value is excellent.

Good Night from the old guy



i cant tell who is who in this rambling..

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To Daddys boy, you need to start from the top (the first bad post) , then read the whole thread. Hopefully you will be able to get through them as I read a few posts from my spawn to my wife last night and I think she wanted to choke him..LOL

If you do you will she I have addressed several comments on here.

The one thing you can't see is the neg reps on my user profile, I also addressed those.

Stay dry


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