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Tropical fish help


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I have a GOURAMI-BLUE COLOR, and have had it for over 6 months now.. For some reason it is acting wierd, real lathargic, lays on it's side at the bottom, and strait up and down. It feeds fine, and will swim normal etc. But acts like something is wrong with it?? Please help! I will post up a pic and show what it's doing..


Any help with fish would be a huge help.. my kids are starting to get upset... :(



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How are the ammonia levels in the tank? Any visible issues on the fish? Start tonight by changing 15-25% of the water out. Get a decent kit that will allow you to check out Nitrates, Ammonia and pH levels.


Have you noticed when they feed if this fish gulps it's food? Many times fish that feed off the top end up gulping air and messing up their air bladders. It should pass. Try feeding food that sinks such as frozen daphnia or brime shrimp.. Could be internal parasites too.


Change water and see how the fish is doing in the morning.

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Thanks for the info, Just changed the water yesterday. I will keep an eye over the next couple of days..,


Check the water as noted above. Kits are good to keep on hand. Keep and eye on the other fish too.


I hate isolating fish and treating the entire tank for something is a PIA too as it's always best to break it down fully after the funk is gone. If you do treat, just be sure to remove the charcoal as it will usually just filter out the medicine. Read the directions and ask at the store to be sure.


I had/have good luck using the ammonia removing charcoal too. Helps for in between cleanings.

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Quit worrying about a $4 fish? Lol...ive got 2 oscars 2.5 years old, i didnt clean the filter for a year and they were fine...talk about a hearty fish.


man i hate oscars. they are mean as fuck. i had some and they would kill any other fish i put in the tank.

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76 deg, we are using the cheap Meijer brand fish pump with filtering system...should I get a better one?


I've got a really nice Aquaclear unit you can have. I'll check the model shortly. I put a bigger one on our tank as we have a few fancy goldfish that tend to be messy.

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As was said before, check your ph, nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity and hardness and post them here. I can almost guarantee, barring a disease, that I can tell you exactly what you need to fix it.


Personally, I would've tested the water before the water change. The water change may've been unneccessary and would've put undue stress on an already sick fish. A water test is like running codes on your car. Until you've done it, you're just repairing shit that may not need repairing.


As far as the fish being sick, hard to say without seeing it. Is there anything else about the fish that's strange other than lying on the bottom? Any markings or other erratic behaviour?


Also, when was this tank setup? Size of tank and amount of fish? WHat kinds of fish? Is this the only fish showing problems? I'm going to hold off diagnosing anything until you've come back with some answers. Or, hopefully, your fish will already be feeling better.


Slightly off topic:

A fish won't screw his bladder up feeding off the top. If he's having swim bladder issues it's another underlying problem.

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Test your water, if everything comes back normal and there aren't any visible signs on the fish (white or black spots, cotton like slime) then just keep it happy. GOURAMI are know to lay down... It's the swimming upright that's kind of odd.


It wouldn't hurt to add a little aquarium salt either. helps soften the water and improve gill function.

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Slightly off topic:

A fish won't screw his bladder up feeding off the top. If he's having swim bladder issues it's another underlying problem.


Not always or in all fish, but in fancy goldfish it happens. I can induce it in ours it's that regular. It's been a while since I've had Gouroami's though. Just saying it's something to consider.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Man... I just wanted to thank everyone with there thoughts on this one. Tonight after I get off work I will head over to the store and get a test of our water and go from there..


We have only had the one fish but now have 2 algie eaters and some kind of black fish that we just added to it 2 days ago.. So I dont think it was addition of the newer fish..


The GOURAMI does not show any odd color or spots on it, I do think though he looks a little bloated around his belly area so to speak more than normal...

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Not always or in all fish, but in fancy goldfish it happens. I can induce it in ours it's that regular. It's been a while since I've had Gouroami's though. Just saying it's something to consider.

Shitty goldfish don't count. I don't count them as a normal tropical fish. Don't get me started on the puppy mills of the fish world. I do have some cool/funny goldfish stories, though. :D


FOUND IT!! Our PH levels were to high.. Added salt tablet and almost 100% turn around...fish's are swimmin normal and healthy again!! Thanks guys!! We thank you!!



So, even the blue gourami? If so, awesome! I don't about where you live, but I have to add aquarium salt to help buffer the water so that the ph levels will stay and are easier to adjust. Also, as super gtp said, helps soften the water, improve gill function and many parasites/diseases have a hard time the higher the salt concentration. As a matter of fact, when I was a kid, I used to use almost nothing but salt for various cures. Be sure not to add to much; follow the directions.


Little known fact, but there are many species of freshwater fish you can convert completely to salt water. At one time, I had guppies in a saltwater tank w/saltwater damsels. Note: When damsels get bigger they'll kill your trespassing ass guppies.

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this thread makes me miss my 120 gallon setup. my favorite group of fish had to be the 3 years i had a silver arrowana in the tank--he outgrew the tank (18" long)and i had to trade him in to aquarium adventure. i also had 3 very large silver dollars (4-6" diameter) and a large angel. the tank also had some feeder fish in it that outgrew the arrowana's ability to eat them---so i'd let them live. we had at least 2 that were 6" long.





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this thread makes me miss my 120 gallon setup. my favorite group of fish had to be the 3 years i had a silver arrowana in the tank--he outgrew the tank (18" long)and i had to trade him in to aquarium adventure. i also had 3 very large silver dollars (4-6" diameter) and a large angel. the tank also had some feeder fish in it that outgrew the arrowana's ability to eat them---so i'd let them live. we had at least 2 that were 6" long.






is the first one one of those fish with the enormous jaw that opens up? they had something that looked like that at lucky house in westerville for the longest time, then one day i went in and it was gone. it was a cool fish though. prob 18-20" long

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is the first one one of those fish with the enormous jaw that opens up? they had something that looked like that at lucky house in westerville for the longest time, then one day i went in and it was gone. it was a cool fish though. prob 18-20" long


Yes. Lucky House ? Good food but someone likely Paid to eat it. :D

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is the first one one of those fish with the enormous jaw that opens up? they had something that looked like that at lucky house in westerville for the longest time, then one day i went in and it was gone. it was a cool fish though. prob 18-20" long


The first fish is an Arrowana. Yes, big gulping mouths and predominantly top feeders. I had a 120 when I lived in California. It was filled with schools of barbs, tetras and the like. Huge community tank. I also dabbled in fighting fish (huge money making gambling thing where I lived) and when a male lost but lived, I couldn't just flush him so they'd go into the tank, too. Eventually, I got tired of it all - Friend gave me two pairs of breeding angels, I bought a Pacu and an arrowana, both only a couple inches long; at first. Slowly, all the littel fish disappeared. lol


I've also raised largemouth bass in it, before. :D

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is the first one one of those fish with the enormous jaw that opens up? they had something that looked like that at lucky house in westerville for the longest time, then one day i went in and it was gone. it was a cool fish though. prob 18-20" long


yep. and mine ended up getting about that big. they like to jump, so you have to cover every inch of the tank's top, and put something heavy on the lid as well. they will literally eat anything they can fit in their mouths--which open up like a giant trap door. very cool fish. aquarium adventure gave me two medium sized pirahna's when i traded the arrowana in---then they turned around and sold it for over $100

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