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91 CRX Si won't start during heavy rain


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I am looking at a 91 CRX Si w/ 132K miles. It looks like it's been well taken care of. Good original paint, very minimal rust over rear wheels, interior in good shape, etc.


The owner has 5 vehicles and is looking to downsize his fleet to help pay for the others. He only drives this car about once a week. He said in the 15 or so months that he's had it, it has failed to start twice during a heavy rain. He said it turns over, but just won't start. He said if he's already driving it and drives through a heavy rain, it stays running.


He said he parked it at a friend's house a few months ago. One day while it was raining, he went over to get it and it wouldn't start. He went back a couple days later and it fired right up.


Any ideas as to what would cause this? Is this something that could be a simple fix or should I run from this car?

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make sure the dizzy is sealed. sounds like moisture is getting in there when it rains. also what brian said.


this happened to me with my integra over the summer. i left my hood open one day during a rainstorm. replaced the dizzy and was good to go.

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this universally seems to be an ignition problem on any car....my old VR6 had this exact problem and I had to replace the cracked coil wires (coil-on-plug is a marvelous innovation that got rid of single coil and ignition wires)....


.when it's dry, run the car and use a mist-spray bottle on the cap/rotor location to confirm what Brian and TJ are saying. You should see sparks fly from where the failure happened in the spark system. I'd bet that's the issue



good luck

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