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How many kids?


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When we got married we never really thought about kids and when we finally did agreed that if we didn't have kids by the time my wife turned 30 we weren't going to have them. She got pregorz at 29 and spent her 30th birthday in bed rest at OSU. LOL! When we found out we were pregant we actually were hoping for twins as my wife is a twin as well, careful what you wish for I guess at ourt first ultrasound we were told we were having twins, life was good and we were shocked and excited. four weeks later Aut went back for a followup ultrasound since she was considered high-risk and my world was turned upsidedown, triplets. Has it been a hard road, at times yes, but it has been a blast.


at 2



this year


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Has it been a hard road, at times yes, but it has been a blast.


so your dad was right, kids do grow up fast....in his case, you did :D one is easy, two is more difficult, but three, especially at one time, is exponentially more difficult....more fun too though. all depends on how one chooses to look at it. mine are in the kitchen at the table building K'NEX and playing well together. good times.

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My wife and I were married for 7+ years before we had our first. We actually tried for a while and no luck. She has a daughter from a previous marriage who turns 21 in ten days, so there is 20+ years difference between both girls. And we are due for our son to be born in 8 days. :eek: He will be our last for sure as I was done with one! I'm taking the bullets out of the gun very soon. :)


But I wouldn't trade them for anything. Your life changes and your priorities are shifted, but such is life. My wife is now a stay at home mom and that's something she was unable to do before with her first... :)

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Well both of my kids were unexpected lol. We was talking about getting her tubes tied but once I seen my son being born I said we might have one more. I'm 25 with a 6yr daughter and a 2yr son so I got the best of both worlds. My next one might be when I'm closer to 30 but I'll see where life takes me.
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How many can sing the theme song to Sponge Bob, Little Mermaid, Toys, Cars, or any other movie they'll watch a hundred times?


I'm not going to answer that on the grounds that this a testosterone fueled racing forum and I'll get laughed into an emo rage quit scenario.


In other news, since parents love through photos of kids in peoples faces, here's another.



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We just got married back in January after dating for a year and a half. Kids has always been a topic of discussion. I feel that we're a bit young right now (I'm 25, she's 21), but she's definitely up for it (all her friends have kids/babies, so...). We've agreed that 2 is our max though. I'm still undecided as to whether I want any at all. I enjoy my toys and my money, and more importantly my job. Given the nature of it, I couldn't imagine passing on with a young wife and kids. I'd rather wait until our op tempo slows or I move onto something a little safer.
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Well both of my kids were unexpected lol.


same here, but it wasn't like we were really trying to prevent them :D


after the first one, i was like "i'm done" but along came #2! i wouldn't change it at all...not sure if i would go for a third...i'm quite happy having two girls


one 3 yr old and one 7 month old...perfect age spread because the 3 yr old can help a little and can entertain herself when i need her to

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Since we're posting pics, here's me and my daughter last summer on vacation:




omg!! cute baby butt!


more baby butt! my 7 month old!


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I wouldn't mind having kids eventually, but I want to live my life first and learn from it before I attempt to raise a human being. Not to mention it takes a metric fuck-ton of money to raise them and to provide for them properly.



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Kids were never really a priority for us or our marriage. We said we'd have a serious talk about kids at 30 and at that point kids were still not on the radar..



Never wanted them, got clipped in the early 20's, never looked back.

Just turned 30, and couldn't be happier.


Garage full of cars > crying shit generator.



Odd how the 2 Audi guys both want cars more than kids. Coincidence? False sense of uppity elitism? You make the call.

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I use to want 2 kids. After the ex-w left me and we got divorced, I decided that IF I get married again, I'm not having kids. If I do get married, it will probably be with someone that already has 1 kid. That way if we split, the kid goes with her and I'm not a single parent. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I don't want to be one.)
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I use to want 2 kids. After the ex-w left me and we got divorced, I decided that IF I get married again, I'm not having kids. If I do get married, it will probably be with someone that already has 1 kid. That way if we split, the kid goes with her and I'm not a single parent. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I don't want to be one.)


Just my opinion, but if you're not going to have kids then there's really no reason to marry. Just stay together and avoid the hassles. You'll still have some civil separation issues that could develop if you buy property together, but otherwise, it's a helluva lot easier to leave should you decide it's not working.

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