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We might have a problem, 2012

Forrest Gump 9

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If you think the world is going to end in 2012 please jump infront of a speeding COTA bus, you are using O2 that retarded cats need.


That is real end of the world talk.


I am in no way defending this guy. However, it does seem like more and more natural disasters are starting to happen.

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Words cannot describe how stupid this is.


Just because someone arranges a bunch of random numbers in a math problem doesn't imply something more than coincidence.


For instance, your user ID.


In the movie, Forrest is in Vietnam in 1969. There he was able to earn the Medal of Honor, of which there have been 9 games made in the console game series (FORREST GUMP 9 OMG COINCIDENCE?). Tom Hanks, who played Forrest Gump, was born 7/9/56. 9-7 is 2 and 5+6 is 11, so if we switch that around to 11/2 and go back to 1969, we've arrived on the day of America's first Gay Pride Parade, November 2 1969 (thank you wikipedia)!



In conclusion, you're gay.


I can't let this brilliance go uncommented. :lol:

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Im still over here waiting for this fucking "Y2K" shit to kick in


ok i will be right there to break all your electronics, then shut off your power supply, then i will leave, dress up as mad max,then come back and break into your house and steal your food supply. sound good?

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Hey guys, I myself think this is just a pure coincident. I'm just passing it along, I didn't make it. I don't care if I live to 100 or i die tomorrow. I've lived a productive life and I've contributed to make this world better place.


Oh yeah, Dec 20, 2012, I'll be spending my time with five hookers. If I go, I'll be going with a big smile on my face!!

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Hey guys, I myself think this is just a pure coincident. I'm just passing it along, I didn't make it. I don't care if I live to 100 or i die tomorrow. I've lived a productive life and I've contributed to make this world better place.


Oh yeah, Dec 20, 2012, I'll be spending my time with five hookers. If I go, I'll be going with a big smile on my face!!


You think it is a pure "coincident" that it gives the date that is the day after the world is supposedly going to end?


I call that "nothing"

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I am in no way defending this guy. However, it does seem like more and more natural disasters are starting to happen.



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I am in no way defending this guy. However, it does seem like more and more natural disasters are starting to happen.


I challenge you to gather statistical data over a hundred years(assuming we've kept track that long, if not then use some round number) in regards to major earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes in the US, to keep it manageable. Then compare the data, and see if we are in fact well above the highest 25%. That would be intriguing. My money would go to "nay".

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