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Radiation in Japan


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^^ you need to check the date on that first image.


ive been watching cnn and that nhk pretty heavily all week at work here.

like op said, using cups of water to put out a bonfire.


2 days ago, fuel rods at reactor 2 were 30% damaged, and fuel rods at reactor 1 was 70% damaged. thats pretty significant. Personally, i feel like theyre downplaying the situation to prevent panic. Why do you think china demanded full disclosure from the plant officials the other day. there was a blog posted on the net somewhere earlier this week from a plant employee. they made them take their blog down. i feel like those fucks are hiding shit.


as of this morning, they(japan) upped the situation from a level 4 to a level 5 on the scale of 1-7. 5 was three mile island, and 7 was chernobyl. France already has their assessment at a level 6. ive seen no reports of anything improving. tokyo electric power said they hoped to have power lines ran to the plant by friday at the earliest, but that doesnt account for the time its going to take to get shit repaired/replaced to get pumps and shit restored.. those plants are pretty fucked up.


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Before we bag on the plant for "Not having contingencies" please remember that TENS OF THOUSANDS of Japanese are dead and hundreds of miles of coastline are trashed from the largest earthquake in recent history followed by the most devastating tsunami in recent history.


And yet, despite all that still going on...


One fucking leaking plant gets the headlines?


People have absolutely no sense of scale or math or science or relative comparisons.


Thank God I wasn't born a moron.


BTW - the area around Chernobyl? Nature is doing GREAT. Plants and animals are living their normal generational life cycles with no measurable effects. By all measures (taken by the governing bodies set up to monitor the area) nature just didnt give a damn about the Chernobyl incident. No zombies, no 6 legged bears, no two headed fish.


Want to create a nature preserve? Meltdown a reactor.




No wait, let me put in in layman's terms:



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Before we bag on the plant for "Not having contingencies" please remember that TENS OF THOUSANDS of Japanese are dead and hundreds of miles of coastline are trashed from the largest earthquake in recent history followed by the most devastating tsunami in recent history.


And yet, despite all that still going on...


One fucking leaking plant gets the headlines?


People have absolutely no sense of scale or math or science or relative comparisons.


Thank God I wasn't born a moron.


BTW - the area around Chernobyl? Nature is doing GREAT. Plants and animals are living their normal generational life cycles with no measurable effects. By all measures (taken by the governing bodies set up to monitor the area) nature just didnt give a damn about the Chernobyl incident. No zombies, no 6 legged bears, no two headed fish.


Want to create a nature preserve? Meltdown a reactor.




No wait, let me put in in layman's terms:




You spelled nuclear wrong.



nope, no abnormalities from chernobyl here.


or here



source: http://gloriainafrica.blogspot.com/2011/03/paul-fusco.html

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Let me chime in, since my 2nd AND 3rd college degrees are in radiation technology.


292 mSv a day? We routinely deliver the equivalent of 3 to 40 THOUSAND mSv during a coronary angioplasty. A number without a point of reference is useless.


Yes, there was an uptick in birth defects in the Ukraine for one generation. Luckily the human body has been exposed to radiation for a very long time, it is very good at repairing damage. Just like the plants and animals around Chernobyl. Most dramatic mutations are just not viable. Buy the way, those damn animals around Chernobyl keep walking right past the warning signs and reenter to general population, like they can't read or something!


Radiation detected on West coast of the U.S.! Guess what? IT WAS ALREADY THERE! Radiation is everywhere. There is a beach in South America where the sand gives off the equivalent of two chest x-rays a day to everyone there. Stupid Brazilians live there anyway.


Mowgli is right, we need to get off the panic and get on with helping rebuild Japan. If anyone hadn't noticed, we need products they produce. Some electronics and automotive manufacturers have already stopped production because they can't get parts from their suppliers.

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Mowgli is right, we need to get off the panic and get on with helping rebuild Japan. If anyone hadn't noticed, we need products they produce. Some electronics and automotive manufacturers have already stopped production because they can't get parts from their suppliers.

They can rebuild their own shit. Can't get stuff from their suppliers - set up shop here in the US and use US suppliers.

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Last I heard, 5 people working in the plant have died.

Verifiable info source?


Please, because this is the second reference to this, i have seen on a forum WITHOUT a link of said info.


Also, The jumpsuits, i recall hearing on a previous newscast after this all started is a sign of "duress" dress. Makes everyone feel they are on the same level. Or something like that..


The only link i am finding about it.. is a dutch link from a god forum, and even that links back to a another story which appears to be a dead link..



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Let me chime in, since my 2nd AND 3rd college degrees are in radiation technology.


292 mSv a day? We routinely deliver the equivalent of 3 to 40 THOUSAND mSv during a coronary angioplasty. A number without a point of reference is useless.


I am sorry, you are right, i was just complaining about the same thing on another forum, and then i did it here. :(

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The problem isn't with the active core, its with the spent fuel that sits in a pool next to the core. The spent fuel has lost its water and had a criticality thus it got way hot.


Naval nuclear designs are far superior to these land based designs, they just require a large source of secondary cooling.

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