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Ghost Chilis - Full Plants


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Passing this along for a co-worker.


He is selling whole ghost pepper plants. I bought one today and they (at least this one; I assume all are similar) are about 2 feet tall and already have buds/blossoms. Mine has like 25-30 so far.


They're $15 each. Just need light and water. The more light the better.


Anyone interested can post up or PM me. I will get his contact number tomorrow.


EDIT - here is his e-mail address - mangosteen_jay@yahoo.com (mangosteen underscore jay @ yahoo.com). He said to just shoot him an e-mail.



Edited by nurkvinny
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Is Jay still going to be selling the Peppers this year? I am going to be wanting some more as soon as his plant is ready.






He didn't say. If my plant produces well, I'll probably give some away or trade some for beer later in the Summer... :)

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He didn't say. If my plant produces well, I'll probably give some away or trade some for beer later in the Summer... :)



Well, I got about 50+ Ghosts from him last year, as well as several SEVERAL dozens of other Peppers.


Boy can grow em!





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Ghost used to be. A new hybrid beat them out. Jay's Ghost's are HOT AS FUCK! I got so many from here last year it is not even funny!


We made Mac and Cheese, Chili, Burgers and the list goes on. DEFINITELY want more!!!



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