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Going to be a C5 pilot!


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For those of you who don't know I've been in Air Force pilot training in OK for the past two years.

Thursday morning I had my last checkride (Formation low-level = sweet) and I just got my assignment Friday night.

I'm going to be flying the C-5 Galaxy out at Dover AFB,DE

Pinning the wings on April 8th, not sure when I'm heading to the C-5 training yet, but hopefully soon.



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Was the C-5 your choice? No fighter slots?


Either way, awesome accomplishment. Congrats!


Unfortunately I went the T-1 side of training. So the only thing I could fly with a gun would be the AC-130, and there were no slots available for our class (I checked). This assignment should probably be 3 years, so not sure what I'll do from there, gotta see how I like this one.

It was my #1 choice for the planes available, so I got pretty lucky there, not many people get their top choice.

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Unfortunately I went the T-1 side of training. So the only thing I could fly with a gun would be the AC-130, and there were no slots available for our class (I checked). This assignment should probably be 3 years, so not sure what I'll do from there, gotta see how I like this one.

It was my #1 choice for the planes available, so I got pretty lucky there, not many people get their top choice.


What other options did you have? Figured you would have gone C17 (if it were avail). C5 is still a good gig if you plan to get out and fly civilian later.


Are you still on for a 10-year total flight hook with the AF these days?

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Congrats man, look forward to many red balls because of that huge fuck breaking and leaking shit all over the ramp lol


You could not have found a bigger plane? :p How many tanks does that hold?


2 Abrams


Fucking rad, How long can those stay in the air?..


Forever with a kc 135 :bangbang:

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The C17 is a sweet plane but I dont like how they manage it. Its overmanned, and you're basically a greyhound bus driver. Plus the C5 is getting the glass cockpit and engine upgrades which will only make it that much better.

There were some specops options I would have gone for in a second if I didnt have the family, but I just couldnt pull myself to leave the wife and kids in Clovis, NM for half a year alone.

I might try to work my way in to something at hurlburt later if I can.

and its still a 10year commitment right now, but they've been looking for people getting close to that to take some seperation pay, so we'll see where they're at when I get there.

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Congrats. My only advice to you is no matter how long your TDY is planned in that thing pack for twice as long because you will break, it's the nature of the beast it's a VERY complicated and maintenance intensive aircraft. The landing gear alone is an amazing piece of engineering, lots of stuff going on in there.
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