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I know this is probably a dumb move of asking people on here if they like wrestling but I started watching it again lately that Austin and the Rock are back. If anyone is interested, I might get the PPV on Sunday. I was thinking like $5 to cover the enormous charge and probably get some pizza or what not. If anyone is interested lemmie know.
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You know that shit is fake, right?


No Joe, it's 100% real. It's a fucking mans soap opera. :rolleyes:


I watched it a lot when I was a kid. Grew up with it. Then stopped watching it late 90's and now that I work from home just browse through the TV channels every now and then and when nothing else is on, I watch this. Big fucking deal.

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I watched it a lot when I was a kid. Grew up with it.


I can't believe I used to watch it in the mid 80's too! ha ha!



Bret Hart

The Undertaker

Hulk Hogan


Randy Savage

Mr. Perfect

Roddy" 'Rowdy Piper


on and on.......


It was entertaining and hell though.


Wait for it.........



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lolz I had a subscription to that magazine :). It's funny (and kinda sucks) to see that some of them died, some of them are still wrestling (in TNA) or what not. I Youtubed The Ultimate Warrior a few weeks back and watched a few recent interviews with him. I guess he has a wrestling school somewhere.
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I remember WWF.. Been a long time.


At one show, Ted Dibiase "The Million Dollar Man" brought this girl up into the ring to prove that "everyone has a price." I think he was going to get her to kiss his boots or something. But I think he just picked up some random woman off the street and wound up with a hooker because he's standing up there waving a wad of cash asking "you know what I want you to do?" And even though she didn't have a mic, you can clearly read her lips when she says "Give you a blow-job?" :D

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I remember WWF.. Been a long time.


At one show, Ted Dibiase "The Million Dollar Man" brought this girl up into the ring to prove that "everyone has a price." I think he was going to get her to kiss his boots or something. But I think he just picked up some random woman off the street and wound up with a hooker because he's standing up there waving a wad of cash asking "you know what I want you to do?" And even though she didn't have a mic, you can clearly read her lips when she says "Give you a blow-job?" :D


I kinda remember that.....again, can't believe I watched it. Hey, as a kid, it was entertaining.

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I loved that stuff when I was a kid. Who cares if it's fake? Everything on TV is fake other than a select few sports.


I actually saw the Million Dollar Man and Tatanka a few months back at a show in Toronto. They look like old drunks honestly. Kind of funny.


90's WWF > UFC

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Wrestling is better than 80% of the trash on most stations and 100% better than ANYTHING on MTV.


I went to the event in Cleveland when Tyson was there. I had no idea how big those guys really were until you see them in person.

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I have not seen wwf since the early 90s, whatevert happen to pappa shongo or razor ramon, yokozuna,lex lugar lol?


Razor (Scott Hall) has been in and out of rehab several times for alcohol abuse and had a pacemaker put in his heart last year. He's actually in much better health now and is doing a lot of stuff for charity and working with a lot of young wrestlers.


I believe Lex Luger is now paralyzed and weighs like 140 pounds. Last time I heard, he was living in a church and writing books on faith and whatnot.

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