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Need to get rid of a cat...


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Replacing floors in my mother-in-laws condo and the cat has to go. Devil cat pissed all over the place, and not letting it do the same on new floors.


Anyone know of a place to have it euthanized? humane society? anyone want it for snake food? something?

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Take for drive. Open door. Out goes cat. I think that's giving it a fighting chance.


Already thought of that.. cat is not social at all. Hates humans and only comes around when it wants food. Need to drug the SOB just to get it in a crate.

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Basically, you're a piece of shit. Hey, let's euthanize something because I don't like it.


If you want to be such a douche, just open the door and let it out. You could always be a better person than you currently are, and see if there are any cat rescues that can take it in.

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“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” ~Mahatma Gandhi


Yeah, CR just found my one soft spot.

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If it only likes you when you feed it, stop feeding it. ;)


Since it's a cat, I'd say drop it in a residential area far away. You can trick it into a crate. It'd be better than taking it to be put down and with your scathing review of the cat, I'm thinking you're probably not going to find someone here who wants it (unless they want to turn it into a barn cat), and it's probably not going to find a home at the animal pound.

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calling CHA animal shelter and see if they'll take it in


already tried opening door, it just sits on the front porch


Oh, you should probably kill it in that case. How about this, if it goes outside, close the door. Look how easy that was.

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If it only likes you when you feed it, stop feeding it. ;)


Since it's a cat, I'd say drop it in a residential area far away. You can trick it into a crate. It'd be better than taking it to be put down and with your scathing review of the cat, I'm thinking you're probably not going to find someone here who wants it (unless they want to turn it into a barn cat), and it's probably not going to find a home at the animal pound.

There are a few places that take in animals even when they get reviews like this one. They're no kill too.

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I think its funny that the one person that cares the most about the cat is a douchebag that wanted to shoot a human because of some snow.


And if he cares that much about this cat, maybe he should take it in.


John, there's a barn behind my house with ground hogs and mice in it. I'm sure they'd get along just fine. You know where I live.

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And if he cares that much about this cat, maybe he should take it in.


John, there's a barn behind my house with ground hogs and mice in it. I'm sure they'd get along just fine. You know where I live.


A punk ass like him doesnt give two shits about no fucking cat. Hes only acting like he gives a fuck to appear to be not so much a bitch.

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And if he cares that much about this cat, maybe he should take it in.


John, there's a barn behind my house with ground hogs and mice in it. I'm sure they'd get along just fine. You know where I live.


My dogs would kill a cat before I could tell them not to.

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I think its funny that the one person that cares the most about the cat is a douchebag that wanted to shoot a human because of some snow.


Not funny at all. I prefer animals to most people. If the OP were about euthanizing people like you, I wouldn't have even given it a second look.

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A punk ass like him doesnt give two shits about no fucking cat. Hes only acting like he gives a fuck to appear to be not so much a bitch.


Can you start making sense with your insults (I use the term loosely)? You've gone from admitting that I care about the cat to claiming that I don't actually care about the cat. There's no congruency here. Honestly though, I'm not surprised that someone of your inferior position in life wouldn't be able to convey emotion through the written word. What does surprise me, is the fact that you can breathe an type at the same time. I figured that high level activity would be beyond you.

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hal, i love steak does that mean im a douchebag?


I never claimed to be equal opportunity with my animal rights support. I didn't get fat off veggies and fruit, that's for sure.

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